I was just thinking today. How long will it be before the watchtower back tracks on its internet bashing, and finally allows it's publishers to set up internet sites. How long before the WT joins up with the likes of face book /twitter. How long before they have a space on the publisher report card for time spent in service internet witnessing. there is just much bad publicity on the net about them eventually they will be forced to. Thoughts please.
How long before they back track on the internet
by joe134cd 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Never will they get involved with anything that allows feedback (esp public feedback).
They couldn't assign enough Bethel staff to respond to the critics.
Yeah never, a cult has to control information to its victims, so if anything they will try to find ways of getting their people not to use the internet much. Like dealing with worldly people, yes you may for work and services but not in any other way. So they will harp on this as to the internet too.
I do not think it will happen. First of all, anything that is published on cyberspace will remain there forever. They would not be able to backtrack their doctrine, steps, new light, mishaps, etc. WT is great in whitewashing their own history and twisting the truth, even deny what they had published in the past. For them is the internet dangerous tool. JW are not alone, catholic church and other denominations are very careful not to put a huge presence in cyberspace.
I think the question should be... how long before we find out that the bOrg is logging and tracking IP's of all JW.org and JW App users?
Elders & MS's already log into JW.org so they already no the IP's of a large amount of their elders and MS's, CO's etc.
All this internet history is certainly at least logged if not tracked. One day soon we will here about someone getting caught and DF'd for apostasy due to IP tracking.
The day will come
I think the question should be... how long before we find out that the bOrg is logging and tracking IP's of all JW.org and JW App users?
Elders & MS's already log into JW.org so they already no the IP's of a large amount of their elders and MS's, CO's etc.
All this internet history is certainly at least logged if not tracked. One day soon we will here about someone getting caught and DF'd for apostasy due to IP tracking.
The day will come
I've thought about this before but don't think the end user risk is that high. In general people's IP addresses do change pretty regularly and since people use the internet out and about I don't see a big risk overall.
I think the nearest the society could get to something substantial in reality is tracking a link from jwn to jw.org and then the user logs into jw.org. Even that does not prove anything. How can you prove who the person was that was using the computer? If the source page is private then you have no idea what the person was looking at. Given the Ip address is likely to be in an ISP pool then you have to ensure the action was in the same session. There are privicy issues as well. I don't think the society could make something stick even in their kangaroo court world. At best, a repeated pattern of hitting jw.org from a link on jwn (or other site) and then logging in to a known account would only raise a flag which could probably never be used.
I think letting too much info out, poor browsing security, self-incrimination, mistakes, dobbing in by others and the like are far more likely to lead to a JC than any IP subterfuge. On top of that I think it's even more likely that the directly observable behaviour of someone fading or rebelling still gives the elders far more clues than anything else.
The WTS is not going to fare well in a free-exchange-of-information society.
However, within its borders they may be able to manage information control.
After all, the WTS is selling thought control now and it's amazing the power it has over their members.
China has achieved information control, to a degree, within. It's amazing how Chinese citizens, with the limited tools available to them, are getting better at information sharing, reporting, and keeping their government accountable.
If WTS citizens were to follow the pattern seen in China, we should expect to see chatter, e-mail circulars, YouTubes, and breathless Facebook accounts about unofficial WTS news. And we do.
Who the WTS is going to have declining influence over is new converts. On getting a presentation at the door, the householder is going to google first.
The WBT$ Has Always Supported the Internet!..
.................We Even Have An App!!..