Bizarre exchange with witness after being away for a year..

by Dis-Member 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dis-Member

    I few moments ago I received a strange text message. it read:

    Russian Government is opening a case on banning our website in Russia. What makes this situation even worse is that the brothers in Russia did not know that tis case existed until yesterday and their court date is today (01/22/14) This law will mean that anyone visiting the website will be condemned to prison. The Governing Body has begged s to pray to our great God Jehovah. Please pass on this message. Visit for info.

    I have no idea who it came from but I am assuming a witness. It would be the first contact any witness has made with me in almost a year of me attending my last meeting.

    I text them back asking who they were. The reply came back saying it was a young sister I worked with on the ministry one time a year ago and in her text she asked if I was fine.

    "I'm just great" I text her back

    I then asked her.. why are the governing body 'begging' the brothers to pray to Jehovah so the website does not get banned in Russia.. and does she think Jehovah really cares about websites?

    I also said that the organisation has managed pretty well for a 100+ years with printed material so why is the website all of a sudden like the 'New Jerusalem' and must be preserved at all costs.

    I asked if she also prayed for the poor brothers in Africa that had no Iphones, Ipads, Macbook Pro laptops or high speed internet that they too will have all the wonderful modern gadgets so they too can access the wonderful life saving website.

    She replied that she prayed for them too and that Jehovah takes care of them anyway. (Wow!)

    I then asked.. if the internet is now so great and wonderful.. then how come until only recently the governing body taught that the internet was full of nothing but evil and porn and demons and apostates and the entire internet is to be avoided unless absolutely necessary?

    She then said that the Organisation uses any means available and possible to praise Jehovah and make his glorious name known and that's why the internet is so important.


    I then asked her if praising Jehovah's name is the all important thing then why are witnesses not allowed to have personal blogs. websites, discussion forums,Youtube accounts, etc, simply to praise Jehovah's name? Several Kingdom Ministry's strongly disapprove of any such praising by the brothers.

    She did not reply..

    I then asked again about the poor brothers in Africa, and will she pray for them getting gadgets to access the all important website or just that they learn to make do with late or out of date copies of magazines often in the wrong language while their wealthy western spiritual brothers enjoy hi res retina display notebook screens in meetings with the latest Watchtower light and knowledge on tap?

    She did not reply.

    I then said if praising Jehovah's name is the all important thing then why am I not even allowed to wear a t-shirt that proudly says "I Love Jehovah" on it and if I did I would be dragged into the back courtroom for a whipping. Why is it that even our love and free spontaneous expression of our love for Jehovah is very rigidly controlled, managed and censored and rammed into a very tight narrow corridor by this same governing body who at the same time teach that praising Jehovah's name is the sole duty and purpose of all intelligent creation? Why can my absolute love for Jehovah only be expressed along extremely narrow and rigid lines like singing a depressing song written by someone we don't know in archaic language I could never conjour up no matter how hard I tried or reading words verbatim from a paragraph we did not write.. even our free spontaneous expressive love is measured, curbed and dictated by this same governing body?

    She did no reply.

    I then text her that none of this makes any sense to me.. and that it's complete and total madness.

    The next reply I got to that from her was: "You are taking advantage of me and my trust and disrespected me and Jehovah's Organisation! Please delete my number."

    And that was the last contact from the lovely sister.

    I text her one last time saying to stop being so childish and that I have done no such thing.. I simply asked questions to things that make absolutely no sense to me whatsoever and that none of them including herself can answer satisfactorily. In fact it's again complete madness to me. I also mentioned that I had in fact deleted her number a year ago and that it was her that initiated this conversation by texting me.

    I know now that she will be running to the elders to report me and I would not be a bit surprised if I am contacted regarding this exchange. If so that will be the second time any of my 'loving brothers' would have made any contact with me in a year of vanishing from meetings.

    The whole thing has left me feeling quite sick in my stomach. A feeling I have not had since my last meeting a year ago. :(

  • KateWild

    I asked if she also prayed for the poor brothers in Africa that had no Iphones, Ipads, Macbook Pro laptops or high speed internet that they too will have all the wonderful modern gadgets so they too can access the wonderful life saving website.-DM

    This was a really good point. You have planted a seed well done, the rest of your conversation just progressed from that point you did well congratulations. I hope you don't get DF'd for this. It will not be right if you do.

    Kate xx

  • Laika

    I bet she regretted sending that...

  • steve2

    Oh Dis-member, I feel uneasy about your repeatedly texting her even when she was not replying. Sure, she opened up the contact but you persisted. What were you hoping to achieve? That she'd have a light bulb moment? And now you report "feeling quite sick in my stomach". What for? For pursuing her with question after question after question even though she did not reply?

    Take responsibility for the way you responded to her. Sure, you were not rude or offensive - but boy did you pursue her even when she did not reply.

  • WingCommander

    Here's another point in response to her stating that the JW's have to use anything within their means to get out the message:

    If that is the case, why do they not have their own satelitte TV network? Even the Mormons have BYU channel on my DirectTV, so why does Jehovah allow the Mormons to have their own satelite TV channel, and not the JW's? Think of the MILLIONS, maybe even BILLIONS of people you could instantly reach with this "life-saving" message, if only the Governing Body wouldn't be so cheap and invest a few million of their moldy money to do such? How about a free station on Pandora internet radio?

    I said this once to an Elder and he was totally awe-struck at the concept! I mean, you could really see the wheels turning as to why he had to knock on doors of empty houses every week, when instead the WTBTS could be in people's homes at the touch of a button if so desired. It was when I had this realization myself that I came to the conclusion that the "Field Ministry" was nothing more than busy-work to keep the rank-and-file too busy on the hamster wheel to slow down and think about the rotten spiritual banquet they were being perpetually served. BUSY-WORK.

    Like what's his name says on here, "It's a Cult!" True. True.

    - Wing Commander

  • Dis-Member

    I felt sick only because it gave me a reminder of how twisted and mental some of these people can be and why I left. Not because I am afraid or fear anything from them.

    They can do me no harm.

    I did not quite persue her.. I type really fast when I text an fired off a flurry of questions. None of which are disfellowhipping actions. I have asked far more challenging things to Overseers CO'S and elders and was met with the same cold silence. Nothing else.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    I see nothing wrong with Dis-member posing challenging questions particularly when she initiated teh contact. Maybe it would not result in a light-bulb moment but why should Witnesses be allowed to sit undisturbed in their comfortable bubble of delusion without challenge?

  • WingCommander

    Today's average Witness when confronted with firm, logical questions:

    "Deeeerpppp.......what do I do? What do I say? Brain no function. Error. Abort mission. Error. Enter shut-down mode."

    Cult mentality at it's finest.

    - Wing Commander

  • snare&racket

    Good work Dismember,

    The society LOVE 'persecution' it makes them feel like they matter.

    The society hunt down anyone using or copying or showing their material and use lawyers to close those websites, pages, videos down. Knowing this, it is farsical for them to pretend that it is about getting the message across to the world, such as in Russia. It is about getting their agenda achieved. Being noticed,being mentioned, reaffirming their place in the world, it makes the gov body feel like they mean something globally, it makes the JW's feel that something may happen in the next 50 years and it allows , just as abhorrently, Russia to oppress people.

    Nobody wins.

    As for her ignorant messages and its consequences. The reality is they are insignificant, its like being thrown out of the loony club or the 'we lie to and annoy society club' Don't worry, dont play along.

    if she wants to believe that the god of the universe needs to be told that his website is being blocked, then there is enough evidence in that thought alone that this person/belief system has issues! Adding the obvious lie that they are imprisoning visitors ( lie, lie, lie and impossible to uphold technically), they close the site from RU servers, not imprison visitor, but adding the lie is just more of the same old same old....... Bullshit.

    snare x

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    I just think that if Jah really were self fulfilled, all knowing, seeing fill in the blanks, why does "he" need worship?

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