Bizarre exchange with witness after being away for a year..

by Dis-Member 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • objectivetruth

    As for the website.. I'm sure that some will consider this an attack from Gog on those dwelling in security or something like that.. Lol ugh

    Great Point on the 3rd world countries.. if you have Spent time in a 3rd world country, you have seen the Extreme Disparity that exists, In these congregations compared to US / First World Countries.

    At a recent TMS meeting the announcement was made that a new stage and an expansion to the library were "desperately" needed. Everyone agreed and voted to use $60k to renovate the hall.. I thought to my self, imagine how many places of worship could be built in A poor country for 60k USD.. Or imagine how many homes could be built for poor brothers and sisters in these countries.

    Consider the loving & willing attitude that the 1st century Christians, displayed - Acts 2:44,45

    "All those who became believers were together and had everything in common, 45 and they were selling their possessions and properties and distributing the proceeds to all, according to what each one needed."

    When it says they were together and had everything in common, this included their Financial Assets.. He who had more gave and he who had less received.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "The Governing Body has begged s to pray to our great God Jehovah."


    so, if JWs don't beg their god to preserve his own website, he won't do it? And, isn't prayer supposed to come naturally to a theocratically-trained JW? Why would the GB need to beg them to do something they should be doing anyway?

    I wonder sometimes if JWs ever listen to themselves?...

  • steve2

    I see nothing wrong with Dis-member posing challenging questions particularly when she initiated teh contact.

    The manner in which one question followed another via consecutive texts, despite her non-replies, could be construed as harrassment - whether or not she initiated the contact. From her perspective, she was reaching out to someone she knew had been an active witness. Once she stopped responding to the texts, they should have stopped. In my view, it is not okay to send text after text after text, each time raising new points.

  • DesirousOfChange

    At a recent TMS meeting the announcement was made that a new stage and an expansion to the library were "desperately" needed. Everyone agreed and voted to use $60k to renovate the hall.. I thought to my self, imagine how many places of worship could be built in A poor country for 60k USD

    If the CO says you need a new stage & library, then YOU NEED A NEW STAGE & LIBRARY! Period.

    And by the way, add the WTS name to the title of the KHall.


  • honeybee78

    Good replies! Sounds just like my selfrighteous neighbour, so blinkered to the real truth! Youll be labelled apostate now haha! You wont be DF...just make sure you DO NOT answer the door if the elders call round xxxx


    Russian Government is opening a case on banning our website in Russia.

    The Governing Body has begged s to pray to our great God Jehovah.

    ................The WBT$ GB Wants Jehovahs Witnesses To Pray For..

    ...............................The WBT$ Web Site "JW.ORG"??!!..

    ....................................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Dis-Member

    The manner in which one question followed another via consecutive texts, despite her non-replies, could be construed as harrassment.

    She was from a totaly different congregation and had no idea that I'd not been to a meeting in a year.

    My phone too is rather simple and basic so instead of sending a paragraph as you can with say an Iphone mine has limited characters per message so I had to send a small group of messages, but they were in rapid succession for form a paragrah at her end. No harassment there.

    It what part of the world is asking mutiple questions harassment? We all did it ourselves when we knocked oin doors.. I always had a million questions for house holders. It's not harassment, it's called having a conversation.

    The were not new points really either. It was all related to the single subject.. praying for bothers and the website.

  • L3G


    Your post is chioce. I'm forwarding it to an inactive friend.

    I just went on and could find no such posting re: the Russain government. I even did a search using 'Russia' and 'Russia website'.

    Is this real? Are you sure this sister isn't trying to get you interested in her personally? When I was active, I was constantly surprised at what these single and very desperate sisters would do to try and snag a guy... I once went to a memorial in a congo I'd never attended after being inactive for years. I even went with a full beard, and you know what a no-no that is! Still, once word got out there who I was, all these available single sisters kept coming around from young to old letting me know about themselves. From a Witness perspective how unspiritual can you get? ---taking such interest in this unknown, bearded, inactive brother!

  • Dis-Member
  • steve2

    It what part of the world is asking mutiple questions harassment?

    It is not so much the multiple questions but their occurring over successive texts in the wake of no replies. As for JWs door knocking, you would know that all tresspass laws require is for the householder to say, "Please leave" three times and if you remain on the property and are making no attempt to leave, you can be charged with tresspassing.

    Texting harrassment occurs when the individual receives a succession of texts from someone they do not to hear from again. In some countries (such as New Zealand), the individual does not need to explicitly ask the sender to stop before they can approach the provider to have the texter barred from sending further texts.

    I did not state you were harrassing her; I said it could be construed as harrassment.

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