As for the website.. I'm sure that some will consider this an attack from Gog on those dwelling in security or something like that.. Lol ugh
Great Point on the 3rd world countries.. if you have Spent time in a 3rd world country, you have seen the Extreme Disparity that exists, In these congregations compared to US / First World Countries.
At a recent TMS meeting the announcement was made that a new stage and an expansion to the library were "desperately" needed. Everyone agreed and voted to use $60k to renovate the hall.. I thought to my self, imagine how many places of worship could be built in A poor country for 60k USD.. Or imagine how many homes could be built for poor brothers and sisters in these countries.
Consider the loving & willing attitude that the 1st century Christians, displayed - Acts 2:44,45
"All those who became believers were together and had everything in common, 45 and they were selling their possessions and properties and distributing the proceeds to all, according to what each one needed."
When it says they were together and had everything in common, this included their Financial Assets.. He who had more gave and he who had less received.