Why Do Some Ex-JWs Get Their Feelings Hurt So Badly By Shunning?

by RottenRiley 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RottenRiley

    I ran in to a ex-JW and had a good laugh once he realized I was not going to shun him. I am a different soul when we are dealing with Watchtower Demonology, everything about the Organization is Fan Boy based. Watchtower creates the illusion of a community that never existed, we were too blind to realize most of the people we invested time with was nothing more than a farce, once you can't offer up more sacrfices on the Watchtower's Alter, your going to get less attention and eventually if your Kingdom Hall is big enough, they won't come looking for you.

    Why are you so mad at the Watchtower and Watchtower followers when you knew this was going to happen to you? You were a elder-elder's wife or regular piousneer and your surprised at the uncompassionate and unloving conduct being/not being demonstrated to you, why?

    JWs are the biggest Chicken Shit religion when it comes to doctrine and explaining their history even though they love to talk about Jim and Tammy Baker, Jimmy Swaggart's sins and other historical errors and sins made by Christendom. How come your surprised people who are quick to judge you and weigh you on a weekly basis are behaving wickedly?

    I read plenty of Blondies posts how she does not really enjoy being around JWs but I would like to ask why some people who are kicked out of the Borg get so emotionally bummed out they are shunning you. Who is the insane person, the person who thought Jehovah's Witnesses are a loving and kind religion or the person who jump's off a bridge? I think the bridge jumper knew what to expect, apparently the Ex-JW who is expecting love from a unChristian religion has issues!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    WTF was that?

  • RottenRiley

    Why are people getting upset a group of emotional vampires won't talk to them? Your better off not having JWs in your life, they are only going to rob you of any joy you find in our present world. JWs get jealous when their brothers and sisters are getting educations, moving up the community and social ladder, your bettter off with out these jerks!

    Mental Zombies who want you to waste your time following the Octopope, I would rather not.

  • abiather

    I agree. When we worry about some irrational people, we are actually elevating their standard!

    If they shun, it is actually THEIR problem!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Unless it's your family, then it is your problem...

  • RottenRiley

    Witness, sorry I wish family did not follow this stupid Cult and blindly follow. I have family who will not talk with me, they are JWs but the reason they will not talk with me is I caught them stealing and they did not like that. I never turned them in, I figured it was their actions that might cost them "Eternal life", but knowing that they are theives has put a X over my head.

    I am lucky, my kids know the Cult is nasty, I avoid all JWs as much as possible unless I can see they are starting to doubt the Organization and than I can spend as much time needed to help them break the shackles, again I am sorry some family are Dicks and don't think for themselves, I was speaking about the fake-friends we thought we had.

  • DeWandelaar

    Dear RottenRiley,

    Not everyone is as fortunate (or soulless) to leave everything behind within the blink of an eye. It may sound easy to leave and not be mad but when your whole history is wiped out from under your butt I really do understand why some people are getting batcrazy.

    Do I blame the WTS for creating a false promise to all these dumb chickenshit people (that is what you like to call them)? Yes I do... just like I do not like people that lie to me all the time.

  • quellycatface

    Not everyone is lucky enough to not have family and friends in the Borg.you can't just wipe out these people in an instant.that would make us subhuman.


    Witness My Fury said "Unless it's your family, then it is your problem..."

    I can concur with that. Almost my Entire family shun me. Some of them I loved and that hurt. It takes time to move on and those that complain are at the stage of learning to cope.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    I was shunned exactly as I had anticipated. I accepted it, but avoided putting myself into any situation where it could happen. I just totally ignored all JW's which did seem to disconcert a few of them. A couple of JW's approached me to tell me why they were going to shun me, and I just asked: "Why?" The inevitable reply was: "Because you're disfellowshipped" I'd then ask why was I disfellowshipped to which they'd reply they didn't know why. I'd then point out that they were shunning me but they didn't know why and were they happy with that?

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