Yeah, I get what you're saying, OP.
The only way to engage in the shunning game is to just refuse to play it altogether, i.e. the JWs are trying to shame you, but giving them feedback (by getting emotional and visibly upset) only gives them the confirmation they're seeking that social ostracism is having it's intended effect.
Cofty has suggested writing a calm factual letter to relatives who are shunning (who live apart), explaining that you won't be returning NO WAY, NO HOW, and they're only harming themselves in the long run by shunning. THEY are the ones who are being controlled by others, not you. And sure, many will vent at first, but eventually they figure it out on their own, since we don't HAVE to feel any way, since the way we react to others is OUR choice; reliquishing that power to others allows them to control.
Ex-JWs should be 'bigger' people than them, since as the old saying goes, "Living well is the best revenge" (plus it's not simply throwing good money after bad, i.e. wasting MORE of the precious time you have left remaining in one's life by seeking out ways to exact revenge).
I wrote an article on the topic, looking at social psychologist Stanley Milgram's work which points out JWs who shun are only harming themselves, but only they can choose to extract themselves from the authoritarian system in which they're trapped: