Christians were known to show love to everyone, they beat down the Pagan empire though a life devoted to loving kindness. Where do Jehovah's Witnesses stand on feeding the poor, helping slaves get out of slavery and donating funds to help Orphanges and Hospitals? Christians from various churches donate to help Africa combat AIDs, get clean water, heating stoves to help cook their food. Homes built to use minimal energy to keep the Africans safe, how does the JW get around helping the Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia?
The more I read the acts of loving kindness and message of Hope, the more I realize the Early Christians lived for Christ and did not focus on Doomsday, why are JWs the opposite of the First-Sixth Century Christian spirit? Can you please help me understand how the Watchtower and Governing Body can read about the loving acts of kindness and behave the way they do?
I think the Organization would allow "Ten victims to have their lives destroyed" than worry about getting true justice for all the victims the Organization has cover-up to keep mantain the lie, "We have a Spiritual Paradise", I avoid hiring Jehovah's Witnesses because many of them feel they are entitled to do less work and demand more pay from the brothers. Recently, I made a bad judgement call by giving somebody the name of a JW who specializes in road work, he destroyed the owners property and now is being sued because he did not use the premium product to fix this $3 million dollar house cement and road work, he told the owners "Go ahead and sue me, join the list because I don't have much to take". He is correct because his truck and equipment might fetch $50 on PawnStar Kings.
How can JWs claim they are Christian or are they not Christian and some type of Witness to another god?