List Reasons Why You Are Glad That You Are Out Of The JW Religion

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I'm also thankful that I don't have to memorize useless information that is subject to change per the whim of a Circuit Overseer or GB member.

    There are more Watchtower rules than the Pharisees every had!

  • ammo

    Seeing this world in a whole new light.

    Not living in fear of the big A, EVERYTIME I heard the news.... 'Ohhhh its a sign, its a sign!'

    Leaving a marriage where we should of just been friends, and instead ended up being just angry and frustrated with each other, because we stupidly followed advice from elders to marry, or stop seeing each other,- that one still make's me cringe how dumb were we !.... We are now FRIENDS and will reamain that way.

    Starting a diploma yesterday in Community Services and feeling proud in the fact that I will be able to do something real towards helping humans and myself, and not feeling like its because of spiritual weakness or worldly/satanic bS dragging me away from the borg.

    Feeling healthier and way more positive about this life, being on an even keel way more mentally, thankful instead of fearful.

    Having compassion for JW's now, initially I was so angry at them..... Really I was angry at me for being so gullible

    Being alot less judgemental and hopefully with new skills learnt, I will become a much more rounded person, smoothing off those edge's!!

  • 2+2=5

    Freedom of mind.

  • Magwitch

    I do not have to lie anymore. That last decade in the org was nothing more than saying one lie to cover the next or the last (For things like time in service, missing meetings, hiding questionable books and movies etc). I have no reason to be dishonest about anything anymore. It has taken awhile to get used to this honesty thing, but I am catching on. It is so strange to be loved and accepted for just the person you are.

  • minimus

    Yes, you don't have to sneak around at a movie theatre. You can watch any rated movie you wish.

    You can sexually explore without having to talk to 3 men about it.

    You can read "apostate" books without looking over your shoulder.

  • heathen

    no more listening to idiots , they did play one hell of a mind f@#$ on me when I attended

  • Lynnie

    Never have to wear pantyhose again!

    Can wear whatever I want when I want!

    oh and can have whatever friends I want! Love that part especially!

    Read whatever books I want without being told it's a waste of time!

  • NotNew

    To live life with the proper view of Life. Though it's late in my life I'm still able to make changes for a more meaniful one...hopefully!


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I hate hypocrisy.

    I hate lies & liars.

    I love to "think," .. YAY!!

    I love to be me, and be free!

    cha ching!!!

  • Dis-Member

    No more feeling trapped in a permanent state of guilt and unworthyness. No more constantly being told how to live every inch of my life by people that have not even graduated from kindergarden.

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