Just not being around the biggest bunch of control freaks that I have ever met in my life. People should not be in control of our lives, only our Father and our Savior are between us and them. Our Savior is the New High Priest and the ONLY priest above us. You and I are the Kingdom Halls of this generation as our Father no longer resides in Kingdom Halls (Temples) built with hands of men as per scripture... thats all :)
List Reasons Why You Are Glad That You Are Out Of The JW Religion
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
Praise YaHuWaH
To all you who have left the JW's as I have because of the utter lack of true love that we had all hoped we would find in the religion, I just wanna tell ya all that we have alot in common, I care about ya'll and I love ya'll cause you are my true brothers and sisters. I wish I had known ya back when I was in that borg.