Decided on the local C of E Church.

by quellycatface 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • quellycatface

    Have decided to check out my local parish church. It has a real mix of people. Old, young families and military personnel/families. They have an Outreach project, collect for food banks and liaise with other local churches. They have a Ramblers Club too (which I would love).Bell ringers AND a female vicar. Radical, eh?

    My first service will be tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes.

  • Dis-Member

    Wow very redical indeed. Very interested to see how you get on.

  • jgnat

    I believe the Church of England has responsive readings, which was very cool the first time I heard it. I got chills up my spine when I heard the entire congregation respond in unison. We're talking major woo. Then I noticed that the responses are all written down in a little book! Neato!

    Like they took responsive poetry from the book of Psalms and ran with it.

    My dewy-eyed enthusiasm was lost, I think, on the church members. Hey, it was new to me!

  • cliff

    A fragment from the English (i.e. C of E and derivatives) Prayer Book:

    Minister Open our lips, O Lord.
    People And we shall declare your praise.
    Minister O God, make speed to save us.
    People O Lord, make haste to help us.
    Minister Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit:
    People as it was in the beginning, is now,
    and shall be for ever. Amen.
    Minister Let us praise the Lord.
    People The Lord's name be praised.

    Pretty normal stuff!

    Sung or intoned in "higher" churches, mumbled in non-conformist (Methodist etc)

  • quellycatface

    What should I wear??

  • barry

    The Anglican ministers here are evanagelical and they are very good at challenging you as a christian. they are also very accepting of new people we got a great impression the first time my family attended two years ago and there is very few times we have missed services their. One problem I had with their doctrine is the Calvinist doctrine of predestination but don't take it to seriously if you don't understand at first their are many facets to it just as we can't know how God created the universe we can't know exactly how or why he saves some of us and not others. Some things we have to leave with god and trust in him.

    Jgnat I thought most churches had responsive readings I used to be an SDA and they have them at the back of the hymnal but they aren't used very much. Ive also heard it said most hymns are originally Anglican and adopted by other churches and most SDA hymns are Anglican

  • barry

    Quelly catface, Depends on the church were we go any casual clothes will do

  • jgnat

    quellycatface, around here men dress in a golf shirt and chinos. Women dress up.

  • besty

    What should I wear??

    the number 1 priority of churchgoers.

  • cofty

    If I was going to an anglican service I would go for High Anglican complete with robes and choirs and all the pomp and ritual. £1- in the collection plate is cheap theatre.

    Evangelical C of E is like a religion you bought in the pound shop.

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