Why don't the Witnesses have an accredited University? Almost all other Xtian denominations do. Why not Dubs? It would solve their problem of the worldly dangers of higher education. They would have well educated believers. They'd get more money from donations, cause witnesses could find good jobs. I don't know, just something that popped into my mind while watching one of Cedars YT videos. Why do you guys think there is no JW university? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZCnEuuAjvg
JW university?
by wearewatchingyouman 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Too much like the Mormons.
They don't like young people not being closely monitored by the older people. If you put a bunch of young JWs all in the same local without extremely close supervision they will all start fornicating...you know that!
Also, a degree from a JW college probably would not be viewed as very prestigious.
They don't like young people not being closely monitored by the older people. If you put a bunch of young JWs all in the same local without extremely close supervision they will all start fornicating...you know that!
They seem to work with it at Bethel. What's the difference? You'd obviously have seperate dorms. Everyone would live on campus. I don't think monitoring would be a problem.
Mickey mouse
Reading the Awake is as good as a college education don't you know?
We were told just attending the meetings and being on the ministry school was the equivalent of a college education.
Bethelites are right under the nose of the governing body and their lackies. It would have to be as tight or tighteras Bethel. What would the graduates do with their education? They are supposed to pioneer aren't they? An education is not necessary. Besides, Armageddon is coming so soon, they will nevegraduate anyway. They need to be preaching door to door, not getting an education.
whathappened- I know. I'm trying to apply logic to something that just isn't logical. I just would like to think somebody up there would have the smarts to realize that something needs to happen to sustain the little ride they're on. Having uneducated drones might work for them in the short term. In the long term it's no bueno.
It would cost money, esp if you only allowed JWs to attend. As you know most JW families could not pay tuition.
Cause they don't have anyone smart enough to teach.
Not many subjects they could teach...... the REAL information outisde of Watchtower proves them all liars.
These subjects would be impossible...
Religious Studies
Besides, what is their motive? They don't care if you pay your bills. JW's are the poorest religious denomination. They have plenty of cash, and the money is rolling in. They need workers, not thinkers.
They need free labor for the ministry and bethel work and lots of builders for the construction work. Apprenticeships with builders still require 3 years of college, yet the WT condone courses they need... Plumbing, joiner, painter etc.
I always thought it was odd that they could dictate so specifically what career was acceptable, until we had a letter read from bethel, with the same list of professions being asked for, to help build the mill hill facility.... Hmmmmm.