JW university?

by wearewatchingyouman 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wearewatchingyouman

    DOC - That very well could be. It all comes down to money for them afterall. I think in the long run it would be a net positive though as graduates could afford to donate more.

    SkinnedSheep - I know that's not the case. There are man highly educated Witnesses. I personally know two College professors who are Witnesses.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Snare & Racket - there are conservative Xtian denominations who pull it off. I don't think their beliefs and JW beliefs vary in those subjects all that much.

  • snare&racket

    It is amazing how much more freedom to think most other christians/religions have compared to JW's.

    Most religions do not dictate what you can and can't believe at all.

    William Lane Craig is a christian teacher at a christian university. He accepts evolution for example and modern physics and is himself a philosopher. He has ridiculous views on gid in my opinion, but he certainly has freedom to think.

    If Watchtower say aluminium is bad, then aluminium is bad! If they say rape without a scream is consent, you don't get a say in the matter. If they say child abuse is best resolved by bringing the abused and abuser together before the elders, you can't argue.... You are simply NOT ALLOWED to question the governing body. This is totally the opposite mindset to education, knowledge is gained and developed by doubting EVERYTHING.

    Such freedom of thought simply would not work with JW's, they are the only ones with a body who dictate their perspective on everything from science, to how tight your jeans are.

    Probably the most dangerous thing to a WT mindset, is the first skill needed in sll higher education, critical appraisal. It simply is unworkable as a JW and brave is the person who tries it on as a JW. I attempted it.....

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Don't give them any ideas. There are universities and universities. Jerry Falwell has his Liberty University. I know people who attended Pentecostal colleges. The staff carried rulers and measured the co-ed's skirts to make certain they covered the knees. There is far more to education that memorizing facts. There are host of conservative fundamentalist colleges in the country. Not everyplace is the Ivy League or Berkeley or Stanford.

    I live on the East Coast so I don't know the details of these religious colleges. Whenever I hear that someone actually lands a job after graduation, I am shocked that an employer would hire from such a college. Most employers want drones.

  • NewYork44M

    The Watchtower could have gone many directions throughout its history. It would have been nice to be associated with an organization that changed the world. Education is one of the ways to change the world. I firmly believe that.

    Unfortunately, the wt was and is so fearful of everything that it could never conceive expanding beyond its own cult culture.

  • Django_Unchained

    Not many subjects they could teach...... the REAL information outisde of Watchtower proves them all liars.

    how's that different from any religion out there?

    i thnk their biggest problem is what would happen if you stuck a bunch of overprotected jw males finally escaping their jw parents around a bunch of like minded jw females.

    there's just no way they can have a school. it'd be impossible to do that and not have the curtains pulled back to see how jws aren't any better than anyone else.

    they have some lofty standards that they can never live up to without cutting off their nose in every conceivable way

  • JustVisting

    The WT used to brag that their Gilead school being "accredited" by NY state, that's got to count for something.

  • blondie

    *** jv chap. 23 p. 538 Missionaries Push Worldwide Expansion *** (yet below the WTS says Gilead is not a university)

    International Student Body

    Students who have attended Gilead School have represented scores of nationalities and have come to the school from over 110 lands.

    The first international group was the sixth class, in 1945-46.

    Application was made to the U.S. government for foreign students to be admitted under nonimmigration student visa provisions. In response, the U.S. Office of Education gave recognition to Gilead School as offering education comparable to professional colleges and educational institutions. Thus, since 1953, U.S. consuls throughout the world have had the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead on their list of approved educational institutions. As of April 30, 1954, this school appeared in the publication entitled “Educational Institutions Approved by the Attorney General.”

    *** g82 5/22 p. 26 Gilead Missionary School—How Different? ***

    Gilead Missionary School—How Different?

    THE Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, located in Brooklyn, New York, is neither a university nor a seminary. Yet it is an institution of higher learning, in fact of the highest learning. Why? Because its five-month study course is founded on the Bible, the inspired Word of God.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    I wonder if you get elective college credits for Gilead???

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Anyone with the skills and qualifications to teach at graduate level would already be doing just that.

    So why would they want to work for peanuts employed by the WTS who would no doubt want to dictate their every move.

    Blind leading the blind....


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