First, it wasn't the erroneous WT theology that bothered me or that cracked open a space for the TTATT to get in. It was finally getting up the nerve to click on a Silentlambs Ad I had seen online about a year before (didn't click on it then, was too chicken). But this time I did (November 2001). It had a big bad wolf face in the ad & little girl's pink shoes. It didn't even say "Silentlambs" I don't think, only something like "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing." Of course I "wolfed down" tons of the WT-pedophile info right away & proceeded to cry for two months straight ABOUT THAT > > pedophiles! (About 9 years earlier I had seen the Daily Jail Docket in the local newspaper & a couple who had been JW friends when I was still "In" [I was DF'd], the hubbie had been arrested for molesting a minor! I had cried about that, too... but a decade later would print out from the Sex Offender Registry his MUG SHOT & took it to the first ever Silentlambs March on the WT on Sept. 27, 2002, & plastered it on the chain-link-fence across from WT-HQ along with all the stuffed lambs that we stuck in that fence, lol! What a great day that was!)
So now (Nov. 2001 forward) learning about the massive 23,000+ "Pedophile Paradise" at Silentlambs & here at f/k/a-JWD where Bill Bowen used to post a lot made it easy to go on to read all the errors of WT theology in the months thereafter. So it didn't bother me one bit about THAT part as I KNEW God was real, KNEW Jesus was real, & I KNEW the Bible was real, so I just said to myself, "Well, if WT was wrong about this or that, then JUST KEEP SEARCHING." It was fascinating actually to finally SEE all the errors!
Another great timing/discovery circa November 2001 was stumbling upon a long essay at Channel-C by, I think his name was McCracken. The title was simply, "THE WATCHTOWER & THE ILLUMINATI"! I was like, OH DEAR GOD! There's THAT WORD! THAT WORD that I had heard back in the early 1980's from a JW chiropractor but never could remember HOW to pronounce it for two decades! All I remembered was that it had a lot of I's & a lot of L's in it. And now here was THAT WORD in my face, ILLUMINATI, & it was CONNECTED *TO* the WT!, LOL! Absolutely fascinating & it was all unfolding at the SAME time.
Lastly, the WT-UN exposure was going on at the very same timeframe as the Silentlambs revelations. It was a GREAT TIME to "wake up" to TTATT! It was all Perfect Timing for me personally. Thank you Jesus! Didn't miss a beat where He was concerned, & have learned so many beautiful Scriptural things since -- all Totally FREE from any "WT Bondage Requirements" (mental or physical)! :D
So JUMP IN people, have no fear! It's all good -- especially if you were REALLY SAVED & not just a "Watchtower Religion Pew Sitter" by habit or force (parents, etc.). There IS a difference. The Lord Jesus Christ will guide you right through it & clear out the other side of WT-ism. Don't dump on Him just because WT is a screwball religion!
As a somewhat related side note to "Waking Up to TTATT": I saw this summary yesterday, beautiful! Christians will love it & can relate to actually knowing Jesus for the first time & how He DOES act in your life if you invite Him to do so. A former heavy-duty Mormon lady gives her testimony of "waking up" to Mormonism after her son, one of those Mormon missionaries, read the Bible, saw that it was NOT what Mormonism taught, started preaching to his fellow Mormon missionaries so they kicked him out of the missionary work. This was humiliating news for the parents who were big wig stalwart Mormons. But the mother finally started reading the Bible for herself, at the insistence of her son, & got totally saved! Beautiful story. If you love Christian testimonies, you will love it: