Meeting Today

by lambsbottom 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • lambsbottom

    Me and the spouse looked over the WT and decided it wouldn't be in our best spiritual interest to stay for the WT (we usually don't anymore).

    So, took the kids to the public talk (was actually great, nice brother), took them outside for a snack and snuggled/played...and then left (an hour early).

    Felt great! Gotta do what you know is best for YOU spiritually! We will render an account.....

    right SEARCHER???

  • Oubliette

    So what you're saying that that you deliberately chose to DISOBEY the Shepherds!

    Welcome to the rest of your life.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I don't know how you feel about this, but personally, I can't bring my kids at the hall at all anymore. There is way too many things I don't want them to hear.

  • lambsbottom

    LOL well i think of it this way. If i told my wife 'bring me a beer...opened...because i said so' her spiritual head right? she should do it right?

    NO! I better ask nicely and have given her a backrub lately!!!

  • lambsbottom


    public talks are not that bad. actually pretty encouraging.

  • objectivetruth

    Yeah I know how you feel lamb.. After spending some time reading the bible, the WT really discourages me. Not to mention when you have to sing a song that is all about GB and elder praise.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Good for you, making steps away from the indoctrination! It sounds like you had a lovely afternoon.

    I'm not trying to be negative, but the public talks are "encouraging?"

    As a member of the public, I must disagree. After not going to meetings for about 2 years, we decided to visit and observe during the month of September, as new light was revealed. I wanted to see the reactions first hand.

    The public talk was strange and sort of creepy. The nice man who was speaking, kept saying there were over "Ten thousand million" angels!!!

    The public talk we heard the next week was so full of subliminal messages and blatant phrases like, "Jehovah will deliver us." "Remain united in Jehovah!" "Our important work has never been more urgent!"

    They are encouraging you to remain as servants. They are encouraging to JW's perhaps, but you have to have a JW mindset to appreciate them. If you miss a few meetings and go back, I think you might notice the heaviness in the air at the KH. I felt oppressed and had a hard time sitting through the whole speech. Every cell in my body was telling me to leave immediately, and obviously.

    We did stay for the WT study also, so this is probably tainting my memory a lot. The comments I heard from people about 1914 and the changes they were making... mind-jarring.

    I wish you and your family all the best. I just wanted to share my impressions of the public talks, as a non-JW. Not encouraging or uplifting to us, and the songs are like funeral dirges.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    I don't know how you feel about this, but personally, I can't bring my kids at the hall at all anymore. There is way too many things I don't want them to hear.

    My wife, a few years ago, kept bugging me to go to "the church I grew up in as a kid." I told her no for a year. I finally gave in. I knew the CO was visiting a local congregation, so I donned the monkey suit and figured, "What the hell? Might as well take her when I can enjoy a decent discourse, and I know I won't have to watch some poor SOB stumble over his words for an hour." She got half way through the talk before she burst out in tears and walked outside, my daughter in tow.

    I went out and asked her what was wrong. She said, "All those little kids, including my daughter, are sitting in there and being scared like that? Listening to things only grown ups should hear about violence, sex and the evils of the world?" I said, "Yeah hunny, they're proud of the fact that the kids learn the same thing as the adults." She said, "Well, I understand why you never wanted to take me here now, and I'm proud I married a man smart enough to not raise his kids in this bullshit." We left, and she's never mentioned a word about going to the KH since.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    If you haven't been to a public talk in a while, here's a reminder of the experience...

  • wearewatchingyouman

    LMFAO Billy! So true. Sad, funny and true.

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