Encouraging Experience

by pixel 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pixel

    We all know how the the witnesses love "encouraging experiences". I will leave one for you. Enjoy.

    2014 Yearbook, page

    An Invitation From a Toddler

    Although Anilpa was only 17 months old, she had a zealous share in the campaign to invite others to attend last year’s district convention in Angola. Anilpa’s “assignment” was to knock on the doors and wait to hand invitations to the householders while her mother briefly explained the reason for their visit. Full of enthusiasm, Anilpa was not always willing to wait for her mother to finish before starting to knock on the next door. She made a very good impression on the householders. For example, on the last day of the convention, a woman approached little Anilpa and said: “I was looking for you. I am so happy I found you, since you were the one who invited me to attend the convention.”


  • sir82

    Unspoken message:

    So if your still-in-diapers baby is NOT just as zealous as Anilpa, you're screwing up as a parent. Your child would DIE if Armageddon came tomorrow, and it would be ALL YOUR FAULT.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Hey mothers! Quit using your babies as an excuse not to be out in service more.

    It's never too early to reinforce in your young ones, the importance of our ministry work. Get those toddlers out there, as there is a great possibility that they will never grow old! What better reward can a child have, than knowing they have served Jehovah faithfully from INFANCY!!

  • pixel

    I believe Anilpa is Andre's daughter.



    My Rubber Chicken don`t even Believe that Story..

    ....................That`s OutRageous!!..

    ...A CRACKHEAD WITH A DUCK. DON'T TRY TO SPLAIN IT.. actually i believe that is a chicken

    .................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • ShirleyW

    I think the only thing kids that age look forward to in FS is knocking of the doors !! I recall doing it myself, they must be running out of things to print in the yearbook.

  • pixel

    17 months for God's sake!

  • steve2

    It is an incontrovertible fact that the younger the child, the more they know. Kids know everything. It is adults who have the temerity to declare uncertainty and poke holes in black and white.

    I identify with that 18-month-old toddler. My first words were: "Thank you mom and dad for raising me in the truth". I not only went door-to-door, but impressively held successful Bible Studies with my ample supply of soft toys. Some fell to pieces when I baptized them. Quite why they couldn't wait to fall to pieces until after their baptism like normal JWs do has long puzzled me.

    I am righteously angry that my parents did not promote more vigorously my religious ardor. Why wasn't I mentioned in the Yearbook? I have tried to forgive them. Now that I'm hitting 60, I look back on that know-it-all kid who oozed an odious entitlement to the truth - and in my quieter, more reflective moments find myself wishing either parent had simply said, "Shut the f*ck up you little religious monster - and go play outside like a normal kid".

  • LostGeneration

    They outta just tattoo "property of JW.org" on newborns as they emerge from the mother's vagina. Geez.

  • Poztate

    How Sweet... Another unbaptised publisher to help pad their numbers..

    By the way... if your child isn't doing at least this much... well

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