Did You Ever Learn Anything From The Meetings?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    I learned how to hate from the watchtower(R) itself. It doesn't surprise me that many victims of the WBT$ mind control are angry.

    The watchtower(R) has installed vitriolic hate within my mind.................that's why I now loathe even the look of the governing body members.....they created this monster!!

  • FirstLastName

    sir82 - I did that same thing ! I counted all the tiles on the ceiling, counted chairs, people, how many people had long hair, short hair, bad hair (?), windows, how many people raised their hand.....

    is this why I have minor OCD later in life?


  • piztjw

    I learned that talking in a monotone, saying so little with so many words, can get one praised as a fantastic speaker; while saying something logical or with a little feeling will get you chastised.

    I learned that readiing a six word comment out of the WT and adding twelve useless words would get one praised for being so knowlegable; while giving a comment using just your own words will get you chastised.

    I learned how to sleep with my eyes open.

  • bigmac

    i learned how to sleep--sat up--with my eyes open

    and to fart --silently

  • Finkelstein

    Did You Ever Learn Anything From The Meetings?

    Just how ignorant it was for people in are modern era to emulate what the ancient

    Hebrews thought and did 3000 years ago, bypassing just about everything what humanity has found,

    discovered and acknowledged today.


    To me it was like embracing past human ignorance with a intent to make life better.


    What I also learned that men can be very corrupt devious animals when it comes to self empowerment.

    They will lie and they will exploit others to cultivate that power and control.

  • minimus

    PIZ, I love it!!!


    I learned how take in information and compartmentalize it. Keep the good and remember the dumb, so that the dumb can be used to bring attention to the good. I learned how not to act by watching certain people. I learned how to meditate by going to my "mind palace" or "happy place." I learned how to wear a poker face. I learned how to draw dinosaurs and boobies.


  • minimus

    D-D, I hear ya! I learned how to compartmentalize too!

  • WTWizard

    I learned that trusting in joke-hova for anything always leads to disaster. And that whatever they say from the platform is lies. Take their advice, nothing good comes from it and plenty of bad comes.

  • wasblind

    I learned that there is little difference between what one would call a Pimp and the Governing Body

    They both have territory that they work, and both force folks to solicit on the streets

    If you don't do enough they both will label you as animals like

    B!tches and Goats



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