Soon... very soon

by Elsewhere 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bang

    Has anyone tried going down to the kh and announcing that today's it.
    He's here, I've seen him in town with a crowd, some people were running away crying and others were smiling ecstatic. I'm sure you get em' in for half an hour.


  • lydia


    an very interesting thought you have there Bang -

    Wonder how long they would really listen- they tolerate a 3 day convetion well enough -
    and its the same stuff year after year too....


  • Bang

    Someone could even dress up as Jesus.

  • CoolBreeze

    Hey Bang, got a robe and some sandals I could borrow?


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Saint Elsewhere, tell your dad he's absolutely correct. That's exactly what the monkey said when he caught his tail in the lawnmover, 'it won't be long now!'

    Guest 77

  • SYN

    CoolBreeze: You'll have to shave, it's "untheocratic" and "disrespectful to the Society" to have any form of hair growing on your face...

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • MegaDude


    I always like to answer JW sayings like "Soon, very soon, just around the corner" with a "What does that mean "very soon"? You mean *soon* like when the Watchtower said Armageddon was coming in 1914, soon like when they said it was coming in 1915, 1918, 1925, World War II is Armageddon, 1975? You see, I get confused by the word "soon" the way JW leaders use it. I guess "soon" could mean 100 years since the Watchtower has been saying "soon" for longer than that.
    Is that what you mean by "soon"? I just want to be *cough* clear on what you mean by "soon"."

    Then read them the Websters' definition of the word "soon."

    Heh, heh.

  • Reborn2002


    One must remind themselves of the gloom and doom articles which are being dispensed to R&F JW's for study magazines in the future

    All quotes below are taken from the June 15th, 2002 WT.

    The article is entitled:

    Mankind's Problems Soon to End!
    Here we go with the soon, anyday now, around the corner BS rehashed:

    WT 6/15/2002 pg 6
    His appointed time for direct action to rid the earth of all oppression and injustice lies in the near future.

    WT 6/15/2002 pg 7
    Soon, on a cleansed paradise earth, they will experience complete freedom from all injustice and suffering.

    WT 6/15/2002 pg 7

    Yet, the most stunning step will be the imminent intervention by Christ Jesus and his associate rulers in the heavenly Kingdom government. They will address completely all the root causes of conflict and all the other evils that beset us. They will bring an end to all of mankind's problems.

    This is a condition of their indoctrination. To unequivocally believe that the end is imminent.

    You have my condolences and sympathy Elsewhere, I deal with the same line of BS every day from my mother and sister.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • rmayer32
    mayer2, try; same shit, different century!

    You are correct.. I stand corrected on the matter..LOL


  • PopeOfEruke
    rick, try; same shit, different f**king MILLENIUM!!!!!

    The Pope

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