hehehe... rmayer32
Typical JW Apologist
by TheStar 185 Replies latest jw friends
I was here a month before you and I'm trailing behind you by 300 posts!! What's up with that?
LOL!Check out the date I re-registered and look at how many posts I have... a dozen or so of which were in the past two days because I've been home sick.
I just sent the guy an email reagrding his article about the UN-NGO issue. Later, I'll try to read the pedophile article and perhaps comment on that as well (no time to do so now). Anyway, here's what I wrote to him:
TomI was just reading your article about the Watchtower and the United Nations NGO incident. There are several points you fail to mention or ignore in your dissertation.
You state that "there was nothing secret" about the Watchtower's NGO status and that "*after* they applied for NGO status there was a change in the language of the "Criteria for Association." When this was brought to their attention they *immediately* withdrew their participation." Unfortunately, these remarks do not reflect the truth. The Watchtower withdrew its membership as an NGO, not at the time that the Criteria were changed, but almost immediately after their participation was exposed via the internet. If their participation was not secret and there was nothing questionable about their membership, why did they withdraw as soon as they were exposed?
As I am sure you are aware, the Watchtower has for many years condemned the UN as the "image of the beast" and the "scarlet colored wild beast" of Revelation, as well as the "disgusting thing that causes desolation" spoken of by Daniel and Jesus. They have condemned all interaction of religious groups with governmental authorities as 'fornication with the kings of the earth,' continually proclaiming their own separateness from the world. Obviously, in the light of the NGO situation, these remarks are seen to be hypocritical at best. Obviously, they have been doing their own fornicating with the beast. I find it interesting that your article essentially denies this aspect of the issue, since it is their condemnation of the UN that makes their hidden association with it so reprehensible. If you are really unaware that the Watchtower has made such statements, I can provide citations in the publications.
Ask yourself this: as an individual JW, what would be the result if you were to join the YMCA solely for the purpose of using the swimming pool? Since the Watchtower condemns the YMCA as a false religious organization, we know that such membership would not be tolerated, even though it was maintained, not for any religious purpose, but simply in order to utilize their facilities. If you persisted in maintaining your membership, you would be disfellowshipped as an apostate. However, it appears that a different standard exists for the Watchtower leadership than for the rank and file. And, amazingly, many of the rank and file see no problem with this! But make no mistake - if the same standards were applied to the leadership that would normally be applied to rank and file members, then the governing body members who authorized and condoned the UN affiliation would need to be disfellowshipped, or, if repentant, at least be removed from all positions of responsibility. How great are the chances that that will happen?
I would be interested in reading your comments on these issues.
"Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
--Bob Dylan -
Could you all stop cutting and pasting the above message. I don't mind emails, but some originality might in order here.
http://hector3000.future.easyspace.com -
From someone on this list: Well, one thing that is obvious to me from your comments is that you very
much want to believe whatever the Watchtower tells you.Reply: We have an interesting dichotomy here, don't we? You accuse me of accepting anything the WTS says, but yet you stubbornly hold on to your beliefs to the contrary.
Let us look at the above statement and break it apart.
The Watchtower NEVER told me anything regarding the UN, this, as is pretty much all the info on the 140 plus pages on my website, is Watchtower free.
You came by this information because a man with an agenda told you this, and you accepted it blindly, because you felt you needed to.
I received the same info, but came to an entirely different point of view. I was not sheepishly following one man.
Now, I realize that you JW-haters desperately NEED your little illusion, and that is fine. It fills the void that you once experienced with truth. You need to believe as you do, as it also compensates for the guilt you feel of mucking things up as you have.
All these points are understandable, but this is a psychological problem, not an intellectual exercise.
http://hector3000.future.easyspace.com -
I dont know who you are but I know that youre no ordinary JW.
Most JWs are kept in the dark about most of these issues and have no anwser to any objections raised.
I dont need to spend anymore time responding to your post as i see that my responce wont manage to sway your oppinion.
You are a JW but what puzzels me is that you seem to be a JW educated about the WT history and have found little objections to what you have found.
Your religion boast probally the worst prophetic record in recent history and that dosent seem to alarm you.
Also the way in which these issues were covered up from the rest of the JW public apparently has no effect on your conscience.
You condone lying by your leaders.
It is a possiblity that you could very well be one of the liars yourself judging from the fact that your website is qundoubtablly biased to say the least.
Absolutely nothing on your site protrays the WT in a bad light. I classify this as propaganda.
I have no idea how high up in the organisation you are but you seem to know things that the ordinary JWs couldent be bothered with.
Obviously you could never amast an intellegent anwser to any any legitimate question raised about the JW doctrine and history as demonstrated you simply ignore the pertinent issues and redirect the blame to any source other than the WT leadership.
Like I said I am wasting my time so
Good bye
[Dusting off feet]
Ps If I were you I would leave the board Immediately because if you stay your faith in your religion would be SEVERILY challenged and that aggorant (i'm better than you, have the truth know it all) smile that you have on your face will into shame and utter disgrace.
Trust me on this.
Have you ever seen the Matrix?
Will I'm advising you to take the green pill so you can go back to wonderland.
Dont say I dident warn you.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.
Will Power
dear hector, welcome
but this is a psychological problem,
You are right on that assessment. These issues are definitely psychological.
Have you ever seen the movie or read the books Animal Farm? or 1984? Something every mature adult needs to be aware of.I have never been a jehovah's witness, although a mature christian, and after years of reading material printed by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society I can see the monumental task you and others in your platoon are faced with in this all important theocratic war. Defending these anonymous writers' moral ethics and business practices is a never ending up hill battle. To even attempt such a project requires imagination and a level of dedication to the corporation that is comparable onlt to the two books I recommended.
I hope you stick around. I am kind of involved in a theocratic war myself these days and I would welcome any suggestions (although I have limits). For one thing I will not defend a corporation's decision which contradicts christian morals, rather I will stand up for what is right over what is convenient or a good business move.
And really what would please your Jehovah more?
Hello Jerome
There is no green pill in the Matrix, and therein lies the heart of your problem. What you are seeing is color-coded to fit your perceptions. For instance, our "prophetic record in recent history" is dwarfed by the prophetic history amongst the mainstream churches, and every time someone makes this accusation, it is quite evident that he is on any number of colored-pills.
http://hector3000.future.easyspace.com/1975.htm -
"Defending these anonymous writers' moral ethics and business practices is a never ending up hill battle."
Hello Will
You people make it sound like these kinds of problems are unique to JW's, when they are not. When taken in comparison with other faiths, you will find that JW's, though they have made mistakes, come up roses in comparison.
http://hector3000.future.easyspace.com -
our "prophetic record in recent history" is dwarfed by the prophetic history amongst the mainstream churches...
You people make it sound like these kinds of problems are unique to JW's, when they are not. When taken in comparison with other faiths, you will find that JW's, though they have made mistakes, come up roses in comparison.
The problem with your reasoning is that Jehovah's Witnesses condemn all other religions as being of Satan. So it is not enough to say, "well, JW's have problems, but so do all the other churches." All that establishes is that JW's are no better than any other religion. In the first quote I've listed above, you seem to be saying that it is OK if Jehovah's Witnesses are false prophets, since some other churches are, too.
You take the same tack in your web article on pedophilia. Your response to accusations of pedophilia is to list scores of examples of pedophilia in other religions, as if that somehow excuses its occurrence among Jehovah's Witnesses. Think a minute - there are about 6 million JW's among 6 billion people on the face of the earth. Roughly speaking, that means that one person in a thousand, worldwide, is a JW. Therefore, if only one case of pedophilia in a thousand occurs among JW's, it proves only that they are no better than any other religion. In other words, we should be able to find 999 cases among non-JW's for every case among them. And, given the moral superiority they like to claim, the ratio should be much higher than that.
In any event, the problem is not with the fact that pedophilia occurs among JW's but with the way in which they respond to it, which allows pedophiles, in some cases, to escape the consequences of their crimes and to continue their practice freely.
"Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
--Bob Dylan