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Typical JW Apologist
by TheStar 185 Replies latest jw friends
Sucks: Oh brother. Now hawk is going to have to dig up everything he found before just to show hector, and hector is going to close his eyes and ears and ignore the implications. Same old stuff, just another round.
Reply: Hello Suck. I have seen all of hawk's stuff before. It is like a bikini, what it reveals is interesting, what is conceals is vital:)
Besides the 1991 article there is this reminder from 1976:
... Do they act like the harlot, "Babylon the Great"?....
So what do you think of what the WTS did in 1991 folks?... Sixteen Catholic international organizations contribute formally to the work of ECOSOC and various Specialized Agencies through the medium of consultative status with these bodies, and Catholic groups and individuals in various countries contribute to the formation of national policy and action with regard to the UN.”—Vol. 14, p. 423.
Will all such friendliness with the world be of real benefit to any religious system? No, the Bible declares that “Babylon the Great,” the harlotrous religious empire, will experience a great shock. Revelation 17:16 says: “The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.”
So there is real danger in becoming involved with the “scarlet-colored wild beast.” Never will it bring real peace and security ....
... For that reason those who join in any U.N. cry of “Peace and security!” face disaster, even if they are not in sympathy with “Babylon the Great.”
Are you acting in harmony with this advance knowledge? Have you separated yourself from the world’s ways, attitudes and actions?...
Do you think they read their Dec 1, 1976 WT rag never mind the June 1, 1991 WT rag before they filled out the form?
And again ... so all can see - a post from Mad Apostate
----------------------------------------------------Here is the subheading portion of the article with the SENTENCE EXCLUDED BY THE WTS INCLUDED.
Does not the INCLUSION of the EXCLUDED SENTENCE better follow the lead-in provided by the last sentence in Paragraph 10:
"How extensive is her involvement with this organzation?"Does not the INCLUSION of the EXCLUDED SENTENCE better answer Paragraph 11's question:
"What representation does religion have at the UN?"
With regard to the WTS's prophecy interpretations, this "formalized relationship" would be THE BEST EVIDENCE of any real connection between the Beast and the Harlot.
SO, SO, SO, can anyone find ANY QUOTE from the WTS specifically condemning False Religion for formalizing a legal relationship with the UN, ie, becoming an officially "accredited, associated, affiliated" NGO of the United Nations?
Rejecting the "Tried Stone"
8 Is there a parallel situation today? Yes, there is. The clergy of Christendom also feel that no calamity will overtake them. In effect, they say as Isaiah foretold: "We have concluded a covenant with Death; and with Sheol we have effected a vision; the overflowing flash flood, in case it should pass through, will not come to us, for we have made a lie our refuge and in falsehood we have concealed ourselves." (Isaiah 28:15) Like ancient Jerusalem, Christendom looks to worldly alliances for security, and her clergy refuse to take refuge in Jehovah. Why, they do not even use his name, and they mock and persecute those who do honor that name. Christendom's clergy have done just what the Jewish chief priests in the first century did when they rejected Christ. They have said, in effect, "We have no king but Caesar."--John 19:15.
8. How has Christendom taken a position very much like that of ancient Judah?
9 Today, Jehovah's Witnesses warn that a flood of executional armies will soon sweep over Christendom. Moreover, they point to the true place of refuge from that flood. They quote Isaiah 28:16, which says: "This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: 'Here I am laying as a foundation in Zion a stone, a tried stone, the precious corner of a sure foundation. No one exercising faith will get panicky.'" Who is this "precious cornerstone"? The apostle Peter quoted these words and applied them to Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:6) If Christendom had sought peace with Jehovah's King, Jesus Christ, then she would have avoided the coming flash flood.--Compare Luke 19:42-44.
9. (a) Who is warning Christendom today in the same way that Isaiah warned Judah? (b) To whom should Christendom turn?
10 However, she has not done so. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations -- this despite the Bible's warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as man's best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization?
10. What involvements has Christendom cultivated?
11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: "All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations. For example, No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world's religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths."
11. What representation does religion have at the UN?
Y'all migfht enjoy this:
Yeah. Just like I enjoyed seeing Bill Clinton's televised deposition, where HE tried to lie his way out of trouble after being caught with his pants down.
"Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
--Bob Dylan -
hawk: Do you think they read their Dec 1, 1976 WT rag never mind the June 1, 1991 WT rag before they filled out the form?
Reply: If you could only quote your Bible for peace as well as you can quote the WT for poison.
"Access: The Dag Hammarskjöld Library is a special library . . . permission to use the Library is also given for short periods of time to advanced-level researchers who have found that materials required to complete their research are UNAVAILABLE AT DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES."--The Dag Hammarskjöld Library" http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/services.htm#access < http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/services.htm>;
A fair and reasonable examination of the *facts* can only lead to the conclusion that there was no "unholy alliance" with the UN. There was no contradiction of Christian principles or conflict with stated beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses. It really seem the only issue here is in the overactive imaginations of critics with an agenda of hate and discrimination.
As soon as it was pointed out to the WTS that the latest version of the Criteria for Association of NGOs contained language that they did not agree with they IMMEDIATELY withdrew their registration. Instead of seeing this as a reasonable corrective step it is dishonestly presented as some type of coverup. Idiots! These same individual's own religions refuse to correct their false doctrines, immoral standards and participation in human slaughter...but JW's are evil evil evil.
To what results are all these complaints? From what I can tell, ex-JW's are the most miserable bunch of people on earth. I see this time and again, which comes back to my earlier comment on this being a psychological problem, not an intellectual exercise. -
There was no "latest" version. The version they signed is the same one that exists today.
Why do you people waste your time?
He knows about:
The false prophesies
The ways that the prophecies were covered up
The issue with pediopheila
The way it was handled
Vaccinations - Most likely
Organ transplants - Most likely
Blood fractionsAnd still defends the Watchtower Society.
I find it hard to believe thaat anyone could be that daft.
From experience I can tell he does respond like a JW with the usual avoidance of issues, the theocratic war stragety etc...but I find it really difficult to think that one of my fello human beings could be so
[for lack of a better word]
STUPID.That was an ad homenin(sp?) attack!!!---
Directed straight at him not his arguments [which are pratically non existent by the way]. His reasoning ablity to be more specific.[/:)]
And to think that he somehow thinks that he is better than anyone not a JW.
Talk about irony.
This guy probally thinks that hes some apostate killer ready to glorify the name of his God when people are trying to tell him for his onw benefit that he is going down the wrong road. WT is not from God Almighty.
Why do people hav to be so aggorant and think that they are better than everyone else? We are all human beings we do good and we do bad but simply because we like to use our brains and think for ourselves this guy thinks that God will kill us. And soon at that.
How can I use anyother word but STUPID to discribe is reasoning ability when it comes to Watchtower related issues?
How could he expect to convert anybody to his religion when he cant logically anwser straight foward questions if they put is Organisation in a bad light?
As I said before if he stays on this board and reads too much material his faith will be severily challenged and his beleifs will be rebuted.
And we will have all these post here to remind him how silly he was.
You may be loyal now to JW leaders but after you find out what they are really capable of things might change.
Who knows he may even end up like You Know. Wouldent it be fun to have two YK's on board? LOL
A word of warning.
Your website contains information that is DEFINETILY NOT approved by the GB of Jehovah's Witneses.
You are breaking down the barrier of information controll that the JW leaders use to maintain their authority. Your sight contains information pertaining to prophecy, child abuse etc...
Unfortunately unbeknown to you the watchtower dosent handle matters shuch as the above by discussing them but by sweeping them under the carpet.
Your site puts them into the spot light which may not be too good for your reputation as a witness.
There has been a recent trend where pro Witness sites are being shut down on the internet.
Could yours be next?
You just may find out what cult leaders are capable of.
Just a thought.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.
As soon as it was pointed out to the WTS that the latest version of the Criteria for Association of NGOs contained language that they did not agree with they IMMEDIATELY withdrew their registration.
That's a lie. The Watchtower continued their association as an NGO for FIVE YEARS after you assert a change in the terms occurred. They terminated their NGO status ONLY after it became widely known via the internet. I have pointed this out in our past discussions, yet you continue to assert that the Watchtower withdrew immediately upon learning of the changes. Obviously you have little regard for truth. But that's what Theocratic War Strategy is all about, isn't it?
"Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
--Bob Dylan -
I just now remembered something.
Could someone please inform him that there dosent even seem to be any evidence that they even used the Libary card.
Correct me if i'm wrong.