I guess the question is when does the WTS interpret is the moment of time that a person enters the ark? In the flood account Noah and the rest entered 7 days before the rain started, a door shut by God and no one could leave. Is there such a correlation with the future they define?
I found very little about this specific that with the start of the GT, the destruction of Babylon the Great, that no one could get on. But a few words about staying inside and that only people that get inside and stay there will survive. I wonder if any jws will catch that this is new?
*** w74 11/1 p. 668 par. 22 A Prophetic Drama That Foreshadowed Survival ***
For the worshipers of Jehovah, his Christian witnesses, to get safely through that tribulation, their symbolic ark, the spiritual paradise, must remain, with them staying inside. In the deluge of Noah’s day the Garden of Eden or Paradise of Pleasure, from which Adam and Eve had been expelled, was destroyed. But what about the spiritual paradise of the remnant and the “great crowd”? Like Noah’s ark, it will survive the fiery “day of judgment.” The impending “great tribulation” from Jehovah God is not meant to destroy the spiritual paradise of His worshipers, who have striven to preserve their spirituality and Christian integrity. It is meant to destroy the unparadise-like worldly system of things. After the spiritual paradise has survived the “great tribulation,” the surviving worshipers of Noah’s God, Jehovah, will devote their efforts to restoring the literal paradise to the cleansed earth under the “new heavens” of God’s Messianic kingdom