Wow! The language in the simplified version suggests the possiblity of not many (in other words "few") members of Christendom switching to JW. The non-simplified edition seems to be saying there will not be a mass conversion to "true Chrisitanity" post gt trib (as articles in previous years have stated, eg July 15th 2013, pg 7, par 13, states "Before the great trib begins, people still have time to change their thinking....") It certainly is ambiguous though. Is it intentional ambiguity or just plain bad writing.
Perhaps many JWs have expected that the destruction of Bab the Gt would include the slaughter of all it's members......but really that would be impossible for then there would likely be few left to launch an attack on JWs (who are supposedly dwelling peacefully in the centre of the earth!) Even the UN, which JWs believe will attack false religion, is itself religious.....There is even a meditation/prayer room under the main Assembly room at the UN HQ. They protect religious sites, eg, the supposed birthplace of Buddha. The reference number for this site is rev666. I'm not joking!!! It's on their website.