We're not talking astrology. All sorts of phenomena are possible. There are probabilities for everything.
As stated before every poker hand is as rare as the next. A royal flush is just as probable as any random sequence of cards in a deal.
The thing that singles events out is the occurence in a certain context.
The moon turning to blood is significantly connected to the "great and fear inspiring day of Jehovah".
The whole 2nd chapter of Joel is an interesting chapter for eschatologists.
The last 2 verses Joel 2:31,32
"The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the great and fear inspiring day of Jehovah."
References are made to escaping. "everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe".
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones, just as Jehovah has said, and in among the survivors whom Jehovah is calling."
A similar theme involving heavenly phenomena is given in Isaiah chapter 13 That chapter has to do with the destruction of Babylon by the Medes
Again the theme of flight is emphasized as away of avoiding the forces that would be sweeping through the land.
Jesus referred in Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 to celestial signs. Revelation 6:12 speaks of the moon turning to blood before the Lamb turns his attention to the military commanders of the earth.
So start adding up the points in this graph.
1. Signs in the heaven including blood moon.
2. Blood moon on the passover 2014
3. Blood moon again on passover 2015 2014 passover starts the period of bloodshed which is completed by passover of 2015 framing a period of 1 year.
4. Jeremiah 51:45-47 tells people to get out of Babylon when they recognize impending disaster. "In one year the report will actually come and after it in another year there will be the report and violence in the earth and ruler against ruler. "
The Watchtower has focused on the cry of peace and security and the importance of being ready to do what one is told to do even though they don't understand why.
Peace is looming between Palestine and Israel. Follow the news reports to become informed of the difference between this drive for peace and previous efforts at peace in the mid-east.
The deadline for achieving a break-through was set for April 2014 back in July of 2013.
April is the month this year of passover/memorial. Passover - the day the Jews escaped slavery in Egypt.
If they actually achieve an agreement I personally will be on the watch.
One more thing about this upcoming eclipse on the memorial.
Titus began his attack on Jerusalem on the passover in AD 70. There was an eclipse of the moon on that passover too. And stranger yet -
Read again 1Thessalonians 5:3 Whenever it is that they are saying Peace and Security THEN sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them... and THEY WILL BY NO MEANS ESCAPE.
Will JW's be willing to flee physically to the designated place of safety?