JW's are going to be surprised when they find out that Babylon the Great isn't false religion.
That will be the shocker for them.
Babylon the Great is identified by its wealth. Wealth that is so immense that all those who have ships at sea are rich due to it's shameless luxury.
Babylon (Urban Dictionary)
Used to indicate a strong and powerful, yet corrupted and immoral place. A city in bible propecy. Some believe it may be the future fate of the United States. Prophecies:
(Revelation 14:8) A second Angel followed, calling out, "Ruined, ruined, Great Babylon ruined! She made all the nations drunk on the wine of her whoring!"
(Revelation 16:19) The Great City split three ways, the cities of the nations toppled to ruin. Great Babylon had to drink the wine of God's raging anger--God remembered to give her the cup!
(Revelation 17:5) A riddle-name was branded on her forehead: GREAT BABYLON, MOTHER OF WHORES AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
(Revelation 18:2) his voice thunderous: Ruined, ruined, Great Babylon, ruined! A ghost town for demons is all that's left! A garrison of carrion spirits, garrison of loathsome, carrion birds.
(Revelation 18:10) They'll keep their distance for fear they'll get burned, and they'll cry their lament: Doom, doom, the great city doomed! City of Babylon, strong city! In one hour it's over, your judgment come!
(Revelation 18:21) A strong Angel reached for a boulder--huge, like a millstone--and heaved it into the sea, saying, Heaved and sunk, the great city Babylon, sunk in the sea, not a sign of her ever again.
(Revelation 18:24) The only thing left of Babylon is blood-- the blood of saints and prophets, the murdered and the martyred.
"Oh, Babylon, the whole earth has drank the maddness in your wine. Now a day has come when you must pay for every crime."