Imagine A World Where Being "Gay" The Norm & Being "Straight" Would Be The Minority!

by Dis-Member 123 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Badfish

    Given enough time, if the burning desire to naturally procreate (meaning heterosexual sex) was greatly reduced, the population would definitely die out.

    Sex is one of our basic drives. Think about it.

    Take away the basic drive to eat and drink (get rid of thirst and hunger), and the population would die out even more quickly.

    To those who say it is wrong to say that homosexual sex is unnatural, I disagree. We're talking about nature here. What exactly is that stuff that comes out of a penis when a man ejaculated? Oh yeah... sperm. And what is The purpose of sperm? To give a another man an enema? :D Why exactly does sperm swim toward a female's eggs if it would rather swim up a man's colon? :)

  • Dis-Member

    A little reality check if you please. I looked up the word hate.. and at no point have I ever displayed ANY of these qualities in this forum. I would like that clearly noted.



    feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone).
    "the boys hate each other"
    synonyms:loathe, detest, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate;


    intense or passionate dislike.
    "feelings of hate and revenge"
    synonyms:hatred, loathing, detestation, dislike, distaste, abhorrence,abomination, execration, aversion;

  • LisaRose

    Procreation is less likely among homosexuals, but not impossible, the desire to raise children doesn't go away because you are gay. There is in vitro fertilization, Doner sperm, surrogacy and adoption. Many gay people have children from a prior relationship, because they were attempting to live a "normal" heterosexual life.

    You may think being gay is "unnatural", but for those who are gay it's the most natural thing in the world, it's trying to be something they are not that is unnatural.

  • Badfish

    You may think being gay is "unnatural", but for those who are gay it's the most natural thing in the world, it's trying to be something they are not that is unnatural.

    I'm talking about nature as in the purpose of biological functions and substances (i.e. sperm, eggs, male and female reproductive systems, etc.). If you want to talk about feelings and desires that seem natural to people, you could also take a survey of child molesters and I'm pretty sure a large number of them would say that being sexually attracted to children is the most natural thing to them in the world as well.

    I'm not saying that homosexuals and child molesters are the same thing. I'm saying this only to show that your logic is flawed. To say that non-heterosexual sex is unnatural has nothing to do with desires that seem to come natural to people, but rather, it has to do with biological functions in nature.

  • valkyrie

    I'm talking about nature as in the purpose of biological functions and substances (i.e. sperm, eggs, male and female reproductive systems, etc.).

    Is it similarly "unnatural" for a pregnant woman to have heterosexual sex? After all (except for the rare exception, in the early weeks of a pregnancy), further instances of heterosexual coitus will not fulfil any biological purpose re: reproduction.

    More examples of "unnatural" sex*: heterosexual sex with the deliberate use of contraceptives; heterosexual sexual activity after menopause; heterosexual sexual activity between infertile partners.

    Should they stop?

    *Using the previous poster's definition.

  • Badfish

    Did I ever say anyone should stop? I'm not talking about the morals associated with various sex acts. All I said is I disagree with people that say it is wrong to say that homosexual intercourse is not natural. Using your definitions also, last time I checked, latex is not a naturally occurring substance. Therefore, I see no contradictions in the statement, "using a condom is not natural." Am I saying that using a condom is morally wrong And no one should do it? No. I'm not talking about moral issues, I'm talking about technical issues with the language used.

  • LisaRose

    OK, I agree that the natural process of procreation is via male and female, eggs, sperm.

    When you bring in the word unnatural, in the context of discussing homosexuality, it sounds more like a moral judgement, not a scientific declaration, so I was answering it in that context.

  • Badfish

    The point of my first post was about imagining a world where the majority of the population was gay, and my response being that I agree with Simon's post - that kind of would would never exist - humanity would die out. Nature can't and doesn't work that way.

    Try to imagine a world where all the animals were gay... lol. Animals wouldn't be around for much longer, would they?

  • LisaRose

    I grew up on a dairy farm, trust me, there are gay cows.

    Well to a certain extent that is true, the more gay people there are, the fewer people will be born. But if we get to the point where the earth is overpopulated, wouldn't that be a good thing?

  • Badfish

    Well maybe nature has a way of making people gay to control population. Imagine a world where condoms were never invented. We're at over 7 billion people in the world now. What would a condomless world look like? :D

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