Hint: Stop donating to joke-hova. Now, with the money you would have donated, put it aside toward such an eventuality. Chances are good that it will be more than whatever rent increase you should receive--and I doubt your rent will go to the moon, since having a vacant apartment is a waste. And it costs more to advertise a vacant apartment, recruit tenants (who often waste landlord time), and then find out they are dealing horse from the place, making unreasonable noise, trashing the place, or they don't pay anything for rent. Keeping your rent stable would prevent this headache, and especially if the new landlord is an individual living in the local area and not some giant conglomerate with holding companies located in Beijing where they are managing 500,000 similar companies.
Now, if your rent remains stable when the lease renews, I suggest going back to your no-donation stash and donating it toward purchasing something for yourself. It is up to you whether you wish to use it on fun, or buy silver and/or gold, or perhaps start that blackout emergency system with lanterns, flashlights, batteries, and chargers. Or, you could slap your electric company in the face for giving you higher electric rates by replacing all your compact fluorescent mercury/headache bulbs with CREE LED bulbs. Or, you can put it in something else you are going to use on a long term basis. The money you would have given to joke-hova can now be used to provide for yourself, and joke-hova gets zero credit.