Thanks BU2B ...
What is with the WT obsession with King David??
by BU2B 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
punk, I think King David would blush from all the physical and spiritual deaths caused by the sins of the Kings of the Watchtower. King David never fixated long on much, the Watchtower fixates on making the lives of their subjects a living Hell! King Solomon wanted educated men to build his temple, where does the Watchtower go when they can't get "educated ones" from their own ranks? They head on down to modern Moab and Ammon, the Philistines and other enemy nations that King David never would have used unless they were under his rule and providing annual tribute. King David wanted Isreal to thrieve, he was screwed up and I am sure being chased by King Saul and almost dying on different occasions loosened his bolts. Still, he confessed his sins when confronted with absolute proof, on the other hand the Governing Body are liars who perpetually cover up their gross blunders and sins. They try to Spiritually kill all the prophets who bring their sins forward like King Mannaseh. Spiritually speaking, the Watchtower has killed more members with their hate-speech than any evil King of ancient Isreal!
I like David in-a-sense because he was honest when he was found out, not our GB who continue to hide from the day of reckoning!
"David was a disgusting specimin, a poor excuse of a corrupt, vile and selfish piece of excrememt........the WBT$ must surely identify with this bigtime. Punk's comment
RottenR...shall one of us dress up as Nathan and go tell the GB that they've been rumbled?
Actually, there's a thing.....Is there evidence king david actually existed? ....or at least in the way the bible describes the miserable git?
David too was obsessed with figures (not the ladies), but tabulating statistics, he collected useless numbers, (his senseless census) without being held personally responsable for it. but the R&F was.
the GB and entourage hopes the same.
I could never accept the WT reasoning in this characters behavior. One of the main things that woke me up was the acceptance of this brute as some kind of good example. Good job I think the bible is all myth.
They probably admire him a lot; he did get away with murder, was cruel to his wives, and he did love Jonathan more than he loved women, even though at the end of his days he had a young girl coming to warm him up in his bed because he was cold.
Who would not admire him?
I'm not a JW, but I think they like to stress God's "imperfect leaders," so that all of their constant mistakes are more acceptable. "Hey, at least Anthony Morris isn't having an affair with one of the other GB's wives and then killing the other GB member! He's just fixated on pants that showcase a man's butt."
I think they just really want to drive home the fact that God "uses" people who make lots of mistakes. It's a thinly veiled attempt to validate themselves.
David was one mean conniving bastard. He gave orders to murder some people as soon as he was dead. Didn't have the guts to do it himself and you call him righteous? Joab was his best friend, a man who defended David with his life so stabbing him in the back was just mean. It's never come up in any watchtower studies though.
Punk, here's a interesting article you might enjoy, David was a real person and there is less evidence for other historical figures we readily accept as having existed. The Chinese can't prove the writings by Confucius were written by him, I am allowing my faith to accept the translation of his writings I was reading today are actually what he said 2700 years ago. Nothing wrong with being a bit skeptical because could have avoided the wasting all that time with the Tower's bullshit, you have nothing to lose giving King David the benefit of the doubt as being a historical figure, it's not costing me any emotional currency accepting "The Analects" as being written by Confucious my friend are dated to 450 BC to 750 BC, compiled three hundred years after his death, most Chinese don't doubt his existence even with that large gap of time before anything was written.