Our old german shepherd-lab cross was soooo sweet-tempered, so good. Likely a lot because of my daughter's intensive (obsessive?) training. She was taught to move aside when we said "excuse me" (a gentle way to establish dominance). She had all the basics, sit-stay, come, down, shake-a-paw, heel. Because she would roam free when my daughter ran her paper route, I asked my daughter to teach her to drop on command. If she was across the road when a car was coming, I sure didn't want her running in to the path of the car! So my daughter did, and that command did come in handy a few times.
It sure is great to have a trained dog, especially if it is a large one. The cats suffered for their failure to communicate. When I came home they would all be there to greet me, the dog's swishing tail slapping the faces of the long-suffering kitties.