What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?

by RottenRiley 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Comatose

    Lars got banned because he was an admitted drug user who posted here when high. He would spout off about being Jesus and make the wildest claims. While I found it humorous, I remember the problem Being that he was crazy and new visitors could have been scared away.

    He regularly posted about crack abuse and being a gay, cross dressing, Diana Ross song singing, black Jesus Christ. Which is all fine and dandy, and to each his own. But, the worry became that he was turning the site into a circus and destroying its mission to help exiting and exited JWs.

  • DeWandelaar

    So you guys personally banned Jesus Christ from here! Damn ourrrrr shameeee!

  • Phizzy

    Narkissos and Leolaia were both very educated and very informative, often adding to each others threads in ways from which we mere mortals benefited no end.

    Leo's field of academic qualification is not actually the Bible as such , but that is a great area of interest for her, and she is so well read that she can answer most queries, in a way that opens up many new fields of research for "armchair" scholars like us !

    Narko, if memory serves, is also Uni. educated to a high level and helped translate the NWT at one time in to another modern language from its American English.

    Narko did sign off and say goodbye in his usual polite and pleasant manner, I think time constraints were the main reason. I guess that is true of Leo too, she must be a very busy person.

    Perhaps they both may find time to post here again some day, but really, their contribution, which is all there to be read in their posts, is enough to provide a free education for us all as it is.

  • DeWandelaar

    I read Leolaia's history about the snake and asherah/tree of life cultus and was amazed of the amazing and well fundamented research. I miss these kind of argumentation these days

  • Phizzy

    Perhaps we are suffering a "dumbing down" on here in line with that of the WT/JW's ?

    As to the likes of Lars and DJEgg etc, they were a diversion, but long winded loony posts, or dishonest ones trying to protect the WT position, begin to become boring rather than informative.

    We still have a number of quality posters like dear Doug Mason posting here, and doing some wonderful research, and writing really good Papers etc. so we are not totally bereft of intelligent comment and material on here.

  • Londo111

    On Youtube, he is the Extreme Biblicist. Sometimes Lars posted long rants on some of my videos. After coming from the Watchtower, I don't like censoring anyone, but I've come close with him. It wasn't that I've any ill will toward him, he just tends to clog everything up with nonending kookiness.

  • AnnOMaly

    I miss Leolaia's contributions.

    Lars? In some ways I miss him - he was a good sport - but he was also a pest who could hijack and ruin a perfectly good discussion with his never-ending stream of dumpster-messiah/conspiracy/historical revisionist nonsense. He couldn't seem to switch it off. He'll be around somewhere in cyberspace under one of his many names. I haven't seen him at any of his old haunts for a while, though. Hope my favorite muppet's OK.

    I don't miss eggie.

  • jgnat

    Thanks. I'm relieved we are not completely bereft of intelligence here. Londo and AnnOMaly continue to provide great insights on the scholarly threads. I'm missing someone, and it's driving me crazy...

  • Londo111

    Thank you. Alas, I’m hardly in the same category of AnnOMaly and Leolaia. Far, far from it.

  • AnnOMaly

    Sweet of you both (*shucks*), but I'm nowhere near the same league as Leolaia and wouldn't have the patience to do the detailed videos Londo has done, nor Jeffro's charts.

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