The new DSM-V is published and being used. I saw a paperback copy in a doctor's office the other day.
I was so afraid of demons growing up. Never saw or heard from one. I get confused. My one trip to a Pentecostal church terriried me enough for 5 zillion life times. It made KH feel safe. Classmates were banging their heads against chairs, shreiking, and pulling large sections of hair out of their scalps.
Leo was clearly not in that group. I skimmed most of her posts b/c I don't need the detailed Bible information. Also, I can't read long posts. I need to read a regular book. They were informational. The others were preaching all the time. I would read the same content hundreds of times. One informed me I must believe which is what the brothers said at KH.
Someone will appear. I find the forum more peaceful b/c those crazies made me nervous. There is good scholarship here. I just wish people would not start lecturing as though the ideas were their own. Please reference sources of information. Perhaps another member is interested in your ideas but can't do any further research b/c you are claiming intellectual credit for another's work. An introductory phrase to cuts and pastes would also be nice. Why should I waste my time viewing a YouTube video or reading a long post that violates copyright law. I would like to know why you found it meaningful.
Frankly, I suspect there is better scholarship on the Internet. I am here primarily to see what other people born-in experienced. Bible history is a hot seller now. I have access to university libraries. What do you think about some author's work?