Wash it daily with at least some moisturising soap (Dove is good in the UK). Put moisturising lotion (pink Johnsons baby lotion) on it if it is too stubbly and itchy to soften the hairs.
Growing a beard!!
by ILoveTTATT 28 Replies latest jw friends
I like my beard, but I look old. Not shaving every day is great. Usually when it get to about a half inch, I shave ans start over.
Beards are cool, especially on guys. :D
I've grown mine since I left the Org. 14 years ago.
Beards are cool, especially on guys. :D
I agree, bearded women - not so cool. BTW, don't get confused by the beautiful asian woman in my profile. I am a grumpy old man who grew up in Indiana - with a beard. The beautiful asian woman is the love of my life, and my retirement plan.
Nathan Natas
I've had a beard for most of the almost 40 years since I got out of the 'Tower.
The itchyness when it is just coming in is a result of three factors:
1. The hairs are relatively short and this means they can't flex as much as longer hairs.
2. The ends of the hairs are cut square because of your recently-stopped shaving.
3. Your skin isn't used to dealing with with the sharp edges of the growing hairs.
A shampoo with jojoba (not jejojobah - yuk yuk yuk!) oil in it will make the hair feel softer. I've used Bumble and Bumble Alojoba shampoo in the past. To be honest I don't use it regularly because once the beard is a month old it will be pretty soft. Using a conditioning rinse might also help.
One thing that I really feel is most helpful - even though this will sound weird - is to get a bar (not the liquid form) of LAVA brand hand soap and really work the bar over the beard to work up a big "mad dog" lather. LAVA hand soap contains fine pumice powder, which is abrasive enough to wear the edges of the beard hairs while your face enjoys a super-rich, smooth lather. When the cut edges of the hairs is worn a bit the hair won't itch as much. I am a BIG fan of LAVA hand soap for cleaning more than dirty, greasy hands.
(A famous internet retailer sells bars LAVA hand soap and the Alojoba shampoo.)
I'm not kidding! You can probably get it in supermarkets or hardware stores. Try a bar - if you don't like it on your beard you will be able to use it for dirty or greasy hands.
Thanks everybody for the suggestions!! Once I am fully out I might post pics ;)
Angus Beef
when hubby starts a new beard, he uses conditioner.
I thought you were a girl. Haha.
Don't give up on it. I say it takes about 6 weeks to get a decent amount of growth. Then you can start shaping it.
Jon Preston
I wanna grow one while i am in colorado on vacation....is there a way to help a fine-haired man grow a fine beard? Ive never tried...after a day my face looks like dookie with sand in it sooooo....hm