Naked flagulation and smearing yourself in Marmite (Bovril will do as a backup) while chanting gutteral words about hair growth works wonders, ... or so i've heard.
Growing a beard!!
by ILoveTTATT 28 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you, witness my furry... I will make sure to give that one a try...
finally awake
COnditioner after you wash it, and give it some time. Just Ron's beard is really soft now - he's starting to look like Santa Claus LOL
Speaking of beards... no advice for stubby hairs (maybe olive oil or coconut oil?), but was just reading Amazon reviews re a book by a Mormon family who escaped Mormonism... One of the reviews included this snippet from the book...
Lynn (book author & wife) explains one of her husband Mike’s first encounter with a strange Mormon requirement for service in the ward:
“Why would I have to shave my beard?” His beard was neatly trimmed.
“We follow the example of the living prophet. We want our leadership to be clean-shaven so we are not in any way associated with the hippies of the 1960s or validate any other negative association people may have with beards… Keeping your beard is not optional, Brother Wilder…”
“Okay, President. Whatever it takes to serve.” (p. 43)LOL, sounds so much like WT-rules. Enjoy your bearded-bliss!
Nathan Natas
Instead of vegetable oil, I would go with light weight mineral oil (odorless baby oil). Mineral oil cannot go rancid or oxidize (at room temp.) like vegetable oils can.
Did you know that baby oil contains NO baby extract? That's false advertising!
Do you think any guy can wear a beard and make it look good though?
Personally I think stubble growth starts to make my face look "tired", certainly after a few days, though other people say it suits me.
I have quite a "round" face - not the square chiseled jaw I always wanted! I've thought about going for the stubbled look, but maybe I'm too young, or maybe I just don't have the face to suit it. Maybe it would be too much maintainance anyway.
Jon Preston
Well either way im in CO USA its 3 degrees out and im growin a beard....or perhaps sand on my face....we shall seee...since it means i wont have priviedges im happy bout it since its not "against God" but just means i dont get privs.....perfect lol
The term "wearing a beard" has always seemed derogatory to me. Are you "wearing the hair" on your head?
My advice: don't trim or shave off any of your facial hair for at least 6 weeks. The itching should stop after that. Regular washing and even combing your beard helps a lot.
Beards are evil! And evil can be so funnnnnnnn...