BComments You Will Not Hear at the 02-02-2014 WT Study (NOVEMBER 15, 2013, pages 26-30)(GREATEST SHEPHERDS)
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I wonder why kind of discipline the elders are getting. Sheep are leaving, bad shepherds.
Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds
“Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely.”— 1 PET. 2:21.
- As shepherds, how may elders imitate Jehovah?
- How can elders imitate Jesus Christ?
- What is the objective of the elders’ shepherding activity?
1, 2. (a) What results when sheep are well cared for? (b) Why were many people in Jesus’ day like sheep without a shepherd?
SHEEP thrive when a shepherd takes a keen interest in the welfare of his flock. According to one manual on sheep raising, “the man who simply turns the flock to pasture and gives it no more attention or thought will very likely find himself confronted with a lot of diseased and unprofitable sheep within a few years.” When sheep are cared for properly, however, the shepherd’s flock will fare well.
2 The quality of care and attention that shepherds of the flock of God give to the individual sheep entrusted to them will affect the spiritual health of the whole congregation. You may recall that Jesus pitied the crowds because “they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.” ( Matt. 9:36 ) Why were they in such a sad condition? Because those who had the responsibility of teaching the people God’s Law were harsh, demanding, and hypocritical. Rather than helping and nurturing members of their flock, Israel’s spiritual leaders put “heavy loads” on their shoulders.— Matt. 23:4 .
What do jws know about sheep except for seeing them in a picture or perhaps on the side of the road? I remember an elder that said that people should not become parents unless they had successfully raised a puppy. Then if they raised children successfully they were qualified to look after the congregation. His dog was a mess behaviorally….both children are not jws…and he is no longer an elder.
Note that the WTS views the sheep as property, “unprofitable.” Are members of the congregation a source of profit?
Those who had the responsibility of teaching = only elders? In your experience how many elders were qualified teachers? Who prepared, who used the bible rather than their own ideas, who expanded things beyond the bible?
Harsh = yelling, humiliating others, considering worthless (amharets…of the earth),
*** cf chap. 14 pp. 140-141 par. 7 “Great Crowds Approached Him” ***
Generally, these were the common folk, those whom the religious leaders contemptuously referred to as “people of the land.” The Pharisees and priests openly said: “This crowd that does not know the Law are accursed people.” (John 7:49) Later rabbinic writings confirm that attitude. Many religious leaders viewed such people as contemptible, refusing to eat with them, buy from them, or associate with them. Why, some insisted that there was no hope of a resurrection for such ones who did not know the oral law!
demanding = no allowing healing on the Sabbath for a human, but saving an animal,
(Matthew 12:9-12) 9 After departing from that place he went into their synagogue; 10 and, look! a man with a withered hand! So they asked him, “Is it lawful to cure on the sabbath?” that they might get an accusation against him. 11 He said to them: “Who will be the man among YOU that has one sheep and, if this falls into a pit on the sabbath, will not get hold of it and lift it out? 12 All considered, of how much more worth is a man than a sheep! So it is lawful to do a fine thing on the sabbath.”
hypocritical = corban, WTS first and family second, including your expanding spiritual family. The WTS has advised jws in a special pioneer or Gilead assignment to remain in place and let other family, even the congregation take care of their family because their work in the “field” is more important.
(Mark 7:10-13) 10 For example, Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Let him that reviles father or mother end up in death.’ 11 But YOU men say, ‘If a man says to his father or his mother: “Whatever I have by which you may get benefit from me is corban, (that is, a gift dedicated to God,)”’— 12 YOU men no longer let him do a single thing for his father or his mother, 13 and thus YOU make the word of God invalid by YOUR tradition which YOU handed down. And many things similar to this YOU do.”
3. Of what should congregation elders be aware as they carry out their role as spiritual shepherds?
3 Present-day Christian shepherds—the appointed elders—thus have a serious responsibility. The sheep in the flock they tend belong to Jehovah and to Jesus, who identified himself as “the fine shepherd.” (John 10:11) The sheep have been “bought with a price” that Jesus paid with his own “precious blood.” (1 Cor. 6:20; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19) He loves the sheep so much that he willingly sacrificed his life for them. Elders should always remember that they are undershepherds, subject to the oversight of God’s loving Son, Jesus Christ, “the great shepherd of the sheep.”— Heb. 13:20 .
Appointed = by whom; how many jws realize that the GB has delegated this responsibility to other men at Bethel, no necessarily anointed.
*** w01 1/15 p. 15 par. 16 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed ***
Paul then outlined the qualifications that Titus was to look for in men who would qualify for such appointments. Today, therefore, the Governing Body appoints qualified brothers at the branches to represent it in making appointments of elders and ministerial servants.
Sheep belong to JEHOVAH AND JESUS = Jesus gets some credit for once
Elders remember they are UNDERshepherds overseen by who, JESUS
4. What will this article consider?
4 How, then, are Christian shepherds expected to treat the sheep? Members of the congregation are urged to “be obedient to those who are taking the lead” among them. On the other hand, Christian elders are exhorted to avoid “lording it over those who are God’s inheritance.” (Heb. 13:17; read 1 Peter 5:2, 3.) How, then, can appointed elders take the lead without lording it over the flock? In other words, how can elders care for the needs of the sheep without overstepping the authority that God has granted to overseers?
How did the elders in your life LORD it over you and others? Lead through fear or love?
How do elders overstep their authority? Forbid mustaches when other congregations allow…
*** w82 7/15 p. 25 par. 15 Benefiting From Your God-given Conscience ***
Even if an engaged couple’s consciences would permit something excessive or outrageous, the collective conscience of the elders could not be ignored. While not wanting to impose their personal tastes, they have at heart the peace, harmony and spirituality of the whole congregation.
5. What does the word picture at Isaiah 40:11 show us about Jehovah?
5 Concerning Jehovah, the prophet Isaiah said: “Like a shepherd he will shepherd his own drove. With his arm he will collect together the lambs; and in his bosom he will carry them. Those giving suck he will conduct with care.” (Isa. 40:11) This word picture conveys the idea that Jehovah cares about the needs of the weak and vulnerable members of the congregation. As a shepherd is conscious of the particular needs of each sheep in his flock and stands ready to attend to them, Jehovah is aware of the needs of those in the congregation and is happy to provide the required care. Just as a shepherd carries a newborn lamb in the fold of his garment when necessary, Jehovah—“the Father of tender mercies”—will carry us through trialsome times. He will comfort us when we are experiencing a great test or we are in special need.—2 Cor. 1:3, 4.
Note that this article is in the OT again. No shepherds in the NT? WEAK = has a very negative connotation at the KH, people who have failed, who don’t pray enough, go to the meetings enough, sinners…
Do the elders know the appearance of the flock? Their names, their addresses, their children’s names? At least in their field service group? When Katrina hit the WTS found out how little the elders knew about the flock.
Is support needed only for GREAT TESTS or SPECIAL NEEDS?
(Did you know that technically only the anointed are the congregation of God?)
6. As a spiritual shepherd, how can an elder follow Jehovah’s example?
6 What a wonderful lesson a spiritual shepherd can learn from our heavenly Father! Like Jehovah, he must be attentive to the needs of the sheep. By knowing what challenges they are facing and what specific needs require immediate attention, an elder will be in a position to offer the necessary encouragement and support. (Prov. 27:23) Clearly, an elder must have good communication with his fellow believers. While respecting their right to privacy, he takes an interest in what he sees and hears in the congregation and lovingly makes himself available to “assist those who are weak.”—Acts 20:35; 1 Thess. 4:11.
Why imitate God and not Jesus? The NT shows how a human male can treat other humans…something the elders could grasp, not how to be like God. How many meetings does a jw have to miss before the elders do anything except call to get your time? Other than a walking hello, and a negative conversation, how often did the elders chat with you or respond to your approach? Right to privacy…while people run to them with your so-called sins, they sit out and watch your house, determine your sideburns are too long, your dress is too tight, you have double pierced earrings…
7. (a) How were God’s sheep being treated in the days of Ezekiel and Jeremiah? (b) What can we learn from Jehovah’s condemnation of unfaithful spiritual shepherds?
7 Consider the attitude of shepherds whom God condemned. In the days of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, Jehovah denounced those who should have been caring for his sheep but were not doing so properly. When no one was keeping watch over the sheep, the flock was preyed upon and it scattered. Rather than feeding the sheep, those shepherds were exploiting them and “feeding themselves.” (Ezek. 34:7-10; Jer. 23:1) God’s condemnation of those shepherds can appropriately be applied to the leaders of Christendom. But it also stresses how important it is for Christian elders to give Jehovah’s flock proper and loving attention.
Not watched over for good only bad, preyed on by pedophiles, liars, gossipers, in the congregation.
8. How did Jesus set an excellent pattern in correcting wrong attitudes?
8 Because of human imperfection, some of God’s sheep may be slow to understand what Jehovah expects of them. They may fail to take action that is in harmony with Scriptural counsel, or they may act in a way that indicates a lack of spiritual maturity. How are the elders to react? They should imitate Jesus’ patience with his disciples when they were preoccupied with the question of who among them would become the greatest in the Kingdom. Instead of losing patience with them, Jesus continued to teach his disciples and to give them loving counsel about manifesting humility. (Luke 9:46-48; 22:24-27) By washing their feet, Jesus provided an object lesson in humility, a quality that Christian overseers need to display.—Read John 13:12-15; 1 Pet. 2:21.
Imperfect humans = elders
*** w11 6/15 p. 25 par. 7 “Have Regard for Those Who Are Working Hard Among You” ***
By nature, some sheep may not be warm and companionable. Still, the elders try to show insight and “find good” in them. (Prov. 16:20) True, being imperfect, an elder may struggle to have a positive view of each one.
9. What attitude did Jesus recommend to his disciples?
9 Jesus’ view of a spiritual shepherd’s role differed from that once manifested by James and John. The two apostles sought to secure a prominent position in the Kingdom. But Jesus corrected their attitude, saying: “You know that foreign rulers like to order their people around. And their great leaders have full power over everyone they rule. But don’t act like them. If you want to be great, you must be the servant of all the others.” (Matt. 20:25, 26, Contemporary English Version) The apostles needed to resist a tendency toward wanting to “lord it over” their companions, or to ‘order people around.’
So are elders seeking prominent positions in the congregation, the circuit, the district, the Regional Building Congregation? How many of them would wash your feet?
10. How does Jesus want elders to treat the flock, and what example did Paul set in this regard?
10 Jesus expects Christian elders to treat the flock the same way that he treated it. They must be willing to act as servants to their companions, not masters over them. The apostle Paul had that humble attitude, for he told the older men of the congregation in Ephesus: “You well know how from the first day that I stepped into the district of Asia I was with you the whole time, slaving for the Lord with the greatest lowliness of mind.” The apostle desired that those elders help others in an earnest, humble manner. He said: “I have exhibited to you in all things that by thus laboring you must assist those who are weak.” (Acts 20:18, 19, 35) Paul told the Corinthians that he was not the master over their faith. Instead, he was a humble fellow worker for their joy. (2 Cor. 1:24) Paul set a fine example of humility and hard work for elders today.
The next time an elder confronts you, ask him if this was the way Jesus did it?
ELDERS = SERVANTS to those in the congregation or are the rank and file expecting to serve the elders?
11, 12. How might an elder help a fellow believer to make a decision?
11 A congregation elder must ‘hold firmly to the faithful word as respects his art of teaching.’ (Titus 1:9) But he does so “in a spirit of mildness.” (Gal. 6:1) Rather than trying to force his associates in the congregation to act in a certain way, a good spiritual shepherd thinks in terms of appealing to their heart. An elder might highlight the Scriptural principles that a brother should consider when he is endeavoring to make an important decision. He might review with him what has been published on the topic. He might also urge the individual to consider how different courses of action would affect his relationship with Jehovah. The elder can stress the importance of seeking God’s guidance in prayer before making a decision. (Prov. 3:5, 6) After discussing such matters with the fellow believer, an elder will allow him to make his own decision.—Rom. 14:1-4.
Art of teaching = not forcing to act in a certain way….how did the elders act in your congregation?
Scriptural principles = published? (not in the Bible?) What about your relationship with Jesus?
The COBOE in our last congregation told the BOE that with him in charge it was HIS WAY OR THE HIGHWAY.
12 The only authority that Christian overseers have comes from the Scriptures. Therefore, it is vital that they use the Bible skillfully and adhere to what it says. Doing so helps elders to avoid any possible abuse of power. After all, they are only undershepherds, and each member of the congregation will answer to Jehovah and Jesus for the decisions he or she makes.— Gal. 6:5, 7, 8 .
But not specific scriptures, but strung together scriptures, and their application. What happens when it is not skillful and is an abuse of power? Or it is prefaced by “apparently” or “evidently”?
Remember UNDERshepherds…..
Elders assist their families to prepare for the ministry (See paragraph 13)
13, 14. In what areas must an elder be an example to the flock?
13 After admonishing the older men in the congregation not ‘to lord it over those allotted to them,’ the apostle Peter exhorted them ‘to become examples to the flock.’ (1 Pet. 5:3; ftn.) How may an elder be an example to the flock? Consider two of the qualifications that must be met by a man who is “reaching out for an office of overseer.” He needs to be “sound in mind” and must be “presiding over his own household in a fine manner.” If an elder has a family, he must preside over it in an exemplary way, for “if indeed any man does not know how to preside over his own household, how will he take care of God’s congregation?” (1 Tim. 3:1, 2, 4, 5) To qualify for the office of overseer, a man must be sound in mind in that he clearly understands divine principles and knows how to apply them in his own life. He is levelheaded and not hasty in judgment. Seeing these qualities in the elders inspires confidence among congregation members.
Examples = make accusations without real proof, from an unnamed jw the elders will not reveal as in Matthew 18.
Apply in his own life, uses profanity, watches risque tv shows, spends more time watching sports than preaching….
14 Taking the lead in field service is another area in which overseers set a fine example for their fellow Christians. In this regard, Jesus set the example for overseers. Preaching the good news of the Kingdom was an important part of Jesus’ earthly activity. He showed his disciples how this work was to be done. ( Mark 1:38; Luke 8:1 ) In our day, how encouraging it is for publishers to preach side by side with elders, to witness the elders’ zeal for this lifesaving work, and to learn from their teaching methods! The overseers’ zealous determination to devote time and effort to preaching the good news despite their busy schedule encourages the whole congregation to display similar zeal. Elders can also set a good example for their brothers by preparing for and participating in congregation meetings and other activities, such as cleaning and maintaining the Kingdom Hall.— Eph. 5:15, 16 ; read Hebrews 13:7.
Taking the lead = doing the opening and organizing groups and then leaving with an MS to do personal errands. Elders that have never worked with anyone but another brother, not wife or children. The elder who assigns the MS to do it and never shows up. Never works with anyone in his group. Elders who walk in and haven’t prepared their part and do not comment. I commented once at the service meeting that if every elder, elder’s wife, MS, MS wife, and regular pioneer comment that every paragraph would have someone to answer.
Overseers set the example in field service (See paragraph 14)
15. What are some reasons that elders make shepherding calls?
15 A good shepherd is quick to take helpful action when a sheep is injured or becomes sick. Similarly, the elders need to give prompt attention to any in the congregation who are suffering or require spiritual assistance. The elderly and the sick may need attention in connection with their physical needs, but they especially need spiritual help and encouragement. ( 1 Thess. 5:14 ) Young members of the congregation may be facing challenges, such as resisting “the desires incidental to youth.” ( 2 Tim. 2:22 ) Shepherding thus involves visiting members of the congregation periodically with a view to understanding the situations they are facing and encouraging them with appropriate Scriptural counsel. When such issues are addressed in a timely fashion, many problems can be resolved before they ever become serious.
Quick to take HELPFUL action….not months later; elders in my congregations delegated helping the sick and elderly to the sisters, never dropping by. Do elders know the names of young people in the congregation? Visiting just to encourage by only if there’s a problem….only putting out fires. Does every elder play his part or do only a few get dumped on?
16. When a member of the congregation is in need of spiritual help, what assistance can the elders provide?
16 What if problems develop to the point that the spiritual health of a member of the congregation is threatened? “Is there anyone sick among you?” asked the Bible writer James. “Let him call the older men of the congregation to him, and let them pray over him, greasing him with oil in the name of Jehovah. And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him.” (Jas. 5:14, 15) Even if the spiritually ailing one does not “call the older men,” they should quickly come to his aid as soon as they become aware of his situation. When they pray with and for their brothers and support them in times of need, the elders prove themselves to be spiritually refreshing and encouraging to those under their care.—Read Isaiah 32:1, 2.
Does it become a judicial committee….should elders just drop by or make an appointment?
Support them?
(James 2:15, 16) 15 If a brother or a sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day, 16 yet a certain one of YOU says to them: “Go in peace, keep warm and well fed,” but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?
17. When elders imitate “the great shepherd,” what can result?
17 In all they do in Jehovah’s organization, Christian shepherds strive to imitate “the great shepherd,” Jesus Christ. With the spiritual assistance of such responsible men, the flock benefits greatly and continues to flourish. For all of this, we are grateful and are moved to praise our incomparable Shepherd, Jehovah.
Jehovah’s organization = so where was God’s organization up to the setting up of the nation of Israel?
I wonder if the elders have been slack….I think so.
Next week, AVOID BEING “QUICKLY SHAKEN FROM YOUR REASON”! 100 years (140 years from 1874) and the end is not yet. How many members of the WTS have died hoping not to ever see death?
*** w12 4/15 p. 22 par. 3 Jehovah Knows How to Deliver His People ***
If you are a servant of Jehovah, do you have faith that Jehovah can and will preserve his people alive through the great tribulation? The apostle Peter wrote: “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off.” (2 Pet. 2:9)
Jesus prophesied about the end in 33 C.E. and it came in 70 C.E. only 37 years later.
Love, Blondie