scotoma and metatron - while what you propose is not impossible because the limit of our knowledge means that virtually nothing is impossible but its possibility is so remote given the complete absence of evidence to support it, as to not warrant the energy and zealotry you have invested in it, which makes me believe you are the victims of a cult, so good luck with that - I could recommend living in the here and now and not chasing rainbows but I am sure my words will have no impact on you whatsoever Fraz
Special Dispatch From the Future: Palestine and Israel Sign Formal Treaty
by scotoma 26 Replies latest jw friends
Your words are indeed unlikely to have impact because I have no idea what you're talking about.
Demographics are destiny and demographics in Israel are shifting against support for Zionism. Polls among Jews in the US also show a growing divide away from unqualified support for Israel.
If there is any doubt about these trends, then consider the surprize expressed on liberal websites (Daily Kos, OpEd News) regarding the defeat in the US Senate of the AIPAC urged sabotage of talks with Iran.
In summary, things are changing.
Frazzled UBM
So metatron you don't subscribe to scotoma's views about looking in the Bible for signs of alien messages and that a peace treaty between Israel and Paletine followed by a sharp reversal would fulfil a Biblical prophecy inspired by aliens? I don't have a problem with the idea that there is a demographic imperative forcing Israel to have to deal with the prospect that if they give the Palestinians full democratic rights they will be the minority in a Palestian state and so they may find some way to create a Palestinian state in the West Bank to go with the Gaza Strip Palestianin state. The problem is that the Palestnian leadership (whoever they may be as I doubt the West Bank Palestinians would recognise Abbas as their leader) may be loathe to agree to that given the economic failure of the Gaza Palestinian state and serious unresolved and potential unresolvable issues such as settlements and the status of Jerusalem. The US is still a long way from taking a tough line with the Israeli government such that they would propose a peace arrangement with a prospect of long-term success. The problem remains that the Israelis are such control freaks that they have never been willing to make the sorts of concessions that would result in a lasting and satisfactory peace deal.
Not to beat this thing to death but .....
I think the situation will evolve in a manner similar to South Africa. There are probably a lot of Afrikaners who now wish that they had gone with a "Canton" plan instead of 'one man, one vote' but that's not what happened.
There will be talk about a Palestinian state but Israeli leaders can't give up the settlements. Israel will be recognized as an apartheid state and things will go from there. The Zionist experiment will end, bogged down by Ultra-Orthodox loafers. I think this is the real point of many speechs by Iran: Israel will fade into oblivion.
As for Aliens, I think much of the Bible was inspired by encounters with ET's. They probably invented Judaism and Christianity to train us humans to stop being such awful barbarians. I think that because it seems to me to be a much better intervention strategy than the nonsense the US did in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. It's not about Alien prophecy, it's about lies that actually improve things.
The Republic of Israel and Palestine have been signing peace agreements ever since I can remember. It would be interesting to see if the Arabs could ever forego the vengeance of the killings and the land they claim.
Frazzled UBM
metatron - Israel already is an apartheid state but they used the fiction of not incorporating the occupied territories as part of Israel because that would mean over time it would become a Palestianin state. US support stops them from being subject to proper sanctions for human rights abuses. They will never incorpoate the Occupied Terrioties so it sutis them to talk of a future Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza and I think the Palestinains have finally worked out that to accept this on Israeli terms is not in their interests so this impasse is likley to persist for a long time.
Fisherman - why should the Palestinians accept the Zionist theft of their land and remain consigned to overcrowding and misery in the areas left to them in Gaza and the West Bank? The Zionist used terrorism against the British to intimidate them into allowing increased Zionist migration and then to drive the Brits out and then occupy Palestinian land. Forgiveness to the state of Israel for historical injustice and the ongoing treatment by allowing the orthodox to occupy more Palestinian land is a big ask.
They won't, and that is the point; so it is like those past peace treaties were treated. A Palestinian man told me that when the US returns the land to native americans, they will think about peace.