The yuk factor and others

by jgnat 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • humbled

    I read the link for lame, Jgnat.

    I get it on the yuck factor for eating animals we live with. The problem of the yuck factor has been a life-long reshuffle for me, too. Made even more problematic by the fact that I, as so many civilized people do, was raised on prepackage meats by a family with a high yuck-factor threshold: NO ORGAN MEAT. And only chicken, pork and beef allowed. Turkey on a holiday. Dad bought a dressed duck home once. Mom did cook it but not one of us (then 7)kids would take a bite.

    Then I moved to the farm with my husband.

    YUCK!....and sorrow.

    The thoughts that come to you when you take any animal's life for food goes beyond yuck, I have to say.

    But maybe that goes somewhere else.

  • Oubliette

    I thought you were going to talk about eating bugs or something!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I love both chili and chocolate with a passion beyond the ardor of

    a thousand suns, yet ne'er should I allow the twain might meat . . .

    Yes, draw that line. . . .

    ChoColate/ Chili!

  • Phizzy

    Dear Humbled, said everything I wanted to say on the subject, except to add that the biggest disgust, and indeed horror, I feel is when Paedophilia is mentioned.

    That is not simply "yuk", not even simply horrific, it is just WRONG WRONG WRONG.

  • mynameislame

    jgnat that story definitely falls under the "uncomfortable to watch"category.

    But it does make me want to add cruelty to animals to the list. Especially when it is unnecessary, like cutting the fin off a shark and throwing it back into the water to die. I do eat meat but I am becoming more and more conscious of how the animals are treated while they are alive.

    And I do judge people for producing and being part of those eating shows that seem so popular these days. But that is just because I can't figure out why anyone would want to watch another person stuff food in their mouths

  • humbled

    Agreed, Phizzy.

    The horror of a sexual appetite that hurts and robs a child of simple innocence. That is a monstrous greed. There is no allowance for it in my world.


  • JeffT

    My standards have evolved considerably in the last few years, not necessarily reltated to being an xjw (I've been out since 1988).

    Sex: I don't care what consenting adults do. I don't necessarily want to see them doing it. In cases of incest I question the ability of at least one person to be capable of giving informed consent.

    Food: I've never eaten horse or dog and don't intend to, that might change if I'm starving. That also applies to rats. My oldest son may yet talk me into at least trying insects. On the other hand I can eat a ton of sushi, which I know many people hate. I've eaten brains and don't care for them, but that's a matter of taste. Ditto for liver.

    People do all sorts of things I may not like or agree with, I pretty much don't care if it doesn't hurt anybody and their aren't in my face about it.

  • jgnat

    Several fundamental morals have come up already, and I plan to get to them all.

    For this thread I would like to limit it to sanctity/disgust, as I think that religious institutions specialize in this, and it is also used to divide groups.

  • jgnat

    Bugs are included, oubliette.

  • jgnat

    Given your moral foundation JeffT, do you see anything wrong with the following stories, and why?

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