Besides learning how to speak publicly, has the Watchtower given you any benefits??
Was There ANYTHING The Watchtower Taught You That Benefited You?
by minimus 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was introduce to Jesus and now with a better understanding of who he was and what he was about, I am a born again Christian that would really like nothing to do with the WT now.
but the Watchtower's idea of Jesus, certainly is not yours. So , the WT.s incorrect view of Jesus helped you.
Yes in how fear complied with superstition and plain old fashion ignorance can attract people to
literature and get them to buy and read it.
Hence bullshit, lies and ignorance can be put into print and intensionally distributed openly to the public.
Thank you Watchtower Corporation
new hope and happiness
Yes....organized religion is a business.
I learned how to extract a knife from my back...placed there primarily by elders.
I learned what it feels like to be gullible...and never allow it to happen again.
No. And I could learn to speak publicly by being involved with school clubs/activities, joining girl scouts for canvassing.
Nope. Nothing. Nada.
tim hooper
I learned that they're the reason that the word "gullible" was removed from the dictionary.
a watcher
The Watchtower introduced me to the only true God, Jehovah, and now He is my best friend.