I was going to say that I learned nothing. The WT gave me an appreciation for worldly things. Sometimes I pinch myself that a JW girl can live my life. My colleagues enjoy worldly things without the Witnesses. Literacy is so nice.
Was There ANYTHING The Watchtower Taught You That Benefited You?
by minimus 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Somebody asked Thomas Edison about all the things he'd tried to build that didn't work, did they make him feel like a failure? His reply "I'm not a failure, I've proven that thousands of things can't be done."
Same way with being a witness, I learned that all kinds of things are really bullshit. That all became the motivation for the bad guys in two novels I still hope to get published.
I did quite smoking due to the influence of JW's, and I met my wife through friends at the KH.
Island Man
There was an article on propaganda in an Awake that highlighted various techniques used by propagandists. That article benefited me by helping me to realize that some the techniques described (e.g. Name Calling) seemed eerily similar because they were used in Watchtower literature! So Watchtower taught me that they are hypocrites who do the same things they speak against in their literature.
Suspicious. I see your view.
I used to think the same way because that's what I was told in the WT publications...that only Jehovah's people can achieve higher morals and superior coping skills. We are also taught those leaving the "truth" are unhappy and are gradually corrupted...This isn't the case for me or many more who no longer belong to the cult. I've never been happier and I hope it's the same for you.
Aunt Fancy
I was not brought up in the religion so my parents taught me to be honest, to work hard and every other good quality I have. The only thing I received was years of heartache but I learned what to watch out for and to listen to my instincts. I regret every minute I spent in the cult.
It helped with public speakings and group speaking classes. I will give credit to a great Theocratic Ministery School Conductor, he was a decent bloke!
learned how to extract a knife from my back...placed there primarily by elders.
I learned what it feels like to be gullible...and never allow it to happen again." Don't Call me Shirley!
It happened to you too? I was naive and stupid when I heard a new brother moved in to our territory and tried to ask him to attend our Kingdom Hall, I thought there was something wrong with a person who did not want to be in a Spiritual Paradise, I was such a Dork!
We have many "Ex JWs" in our area because it's a Retirement Zone. There are Elders living here who lived at Bethel, lived in New York and had close affiliations with the Governing Body and they are mad was Hell! Why did these former Elders speak of the "hatred", "Evil Plotting", "back-stabbing", "heartless cruelty" and "pathological lying" by the Chief Elders. Indeed I was a Fool who believed the JW Elders were good and the brothers (Former Elders and Elderettes) and Sisters who stopped attending Meetings were being a "Sour Puss" or "Curdled Milk", now I know why they stopped attending the Meetings, it's worse than a War Zone because the wicked things you expected from your enemies often poured out of the mouths of Witnesses who you thought were your friends. People you loaned money to had no problem stealing from you.
JWs are weird, you can let them go years without paying rent, give them a highly subsidizing rent schedule and not expect them to do physical work around the yard as Elder Joe drives by watching his 70 year old Dad do all the work. The daughter and her insane anger of not getting the right candy and harboring hatred because Dad bought me Mint LifeSavers instead of Tropical Fruit (She is 59 years old and still talks about this shit that happened in 1974! How F'cked up are these hypocrites?) yet she has gladly accepted their money and low-rent, they are Takers! The same couple are theives yet they are at the high level of the JW Food Chain.
JWs taught me that they are good at viewing a person from their outward appearace, if you don't pretend to be holy and lie about your field servive hours like many of the Elders I knew, you will be cast off as a misfit!
Yes, I learned the GREATEST LESSON of my life from JWs that I should not offer suggestion to others. [I had good relationship with WT tops, but everything ended when I presented a paper to the Governing Body, using proper channel, that too when I did that very very CONFIDENTIALLY]
YES ," Get out of her if you dont want to share in her sins "
So we left
Honesty and Free Speech are the biggest lies told by the Jehovah Witness Organization, they don't exist and all your going to get is hammered for being honest.
The Watchtower would have stonned all the Prophets, Nathan would have never made it out of the front door and Samuel, oh how Samuel would have had to call Jehovah to rescue him from their Cunnings Devices!