Gum Chewing....Allowed in your hall or not?

by LostGeneration 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    So when I attended, this was never an issue - its been five years since I was booted. A bit before I woke up, a couple visiting us (middle America) from the deep South basically told me this never, ever was allowed in their hall. No 'priveleges' for a guy who chewed gum. I basically told them they were idiots for feeling guilty about chewing gum in the hall. They were taken back a bit at my frankness, even thought I was an elder at the time.

    Now the Mrs. is pissed because some new CO basically stated chewing gum in the hall was some sort of giant sin to the big Jehoopla in the sky. I rarely if ever engage her on JW matters these days, as its become a live and let live environment on the home front. But I couldnt let this one pass so I told her its just another control mechanism from the WTBTS, or from the CO if he has some sort of personal agenda. Its really getting to I'm happy about that. It would be hilarious if she slowed down further in her attendance because she can't enjoy Orbit while listening to the drones at the KH.

    Just curious about attitudes toward gum chewing in your area.

  • blondie

    *** w06 11/1 p. 29 par. 9 Showing Respect for Our Sacred Gatherings ***

    When we attend large conventions held in open-air stadiums, our dress can be appropriate to the weather conditions and still be dignified. In addition, our respect for the occasion will lead us to refrain from eating or chewing gum during the sessions. Proper dress and behavior at our gatherings honor Jehovah God, his worship, and our fellow worshippers.

    *** km 8/01 pp. 3-4 par. 9 Good Manners—A Trait of Godly People ***

    During congregation meetings, Christian ministers of God are speaking in order to impart some spiritual gift to upbuild us. (Rom. 1:11) It would certainly demonstrate very poor manners on our part if we were to doze off, noisily chew gum, repeatedly whisper to someone sitting nearby, make unnecessary trips to the rest room, read unrelated material, or attend to other things during the meeting.

    *** km 1/98 p. 1 par. 3 Show Respect for Jehovah’s Place of Worship ***

    How to Avoid Being Disrespectful: Appreciating the dignity and sacredness of our worship, undoubtedly we would not want to distract others by whispering, eating, chewing gum, rustling papers, making unnecessary trips to the rest room, or habitually arriving late for meetings.

    *** km 11/95 p. 2 par. 4 Behave in a Manner Worthy of the Good News ***

    Love for our neighbors should make us careful to avoid causing distractions during the meetings. Whispering, eating, chewing gum, rattling papers, and making unnecessary trips to the rest room may interfere with the concentration of others and detract from the dignity due Jehovah’s place of worship. It is inappropriate for any to be conducting congregation business or conversing with others unless there is some emergency that requires the brothers to be away from their seats. Otherwise, all should be seated and listening to the program so as to benefit themselves and their families. Poor manners are out of place in the Kingdom Hall because “love . . . does not behave indecently.”—1 Cor. 13:4, 5; Gal. 6:10.

    *** w74 7/15 p. 440 par. 6 The Godly Qualities of Love and Hate ***

    Love “does not behave indecently.” Other translations say, Love is not “rude,” “does not shock people.” (New English Bible; Byington) There are many things that are strikingly indecent, such as fornication, uncleanness and fits of anger. (Rom. 13:13) However, have you ever considered that poor manners are indecent or rude? For example, children are often allowed to dominate a conversation with adults present, or to interfere with such by running around noisily. Sometimes they stick chewing gum on chairs or write on walls or on the furniture in a Christian meeting hall. Can this type of behavior be classified as anything but indecent? Parents who love their children do not allow them to “behave indecently” even in these ways.—Compare Deuteronomy 23:14.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    It's generally frowned upon.

    11/1/06 WT

    Furthermore, we can show how deeply we respect the sacred nature of our gatherings by the way we dress. Our appearance with respect to both our clothing and our hairstyle can do much to add to the dignity of our meetings. The apostle Paul counseled: “I desire that in every place the men carry on prayer, lifting up loyal hands, apart from wrath and debates. Likewise I desire the women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God.” ( 1 Timothy 2:8-10 ) When we attend large conventions held in open-air stadiums, our dress can be appropriate to the weather conditions and still be dignified. In addition, our respect for the occasion will lead us to refrain from eating or chewing gum during the sessions. Proper dress and behavior at our gatherings honor Jehovah God, his worship, and our fellow worshippers.

    The paragraph specifically mentions conventions but it also applies to regular meetings. I chew gum all the time and I never catch shit. No one really cares except the uber pious fucks

  • NewYork44M

    The issue with chewing gum is that gum in carpets and chairs is a real pain for the cleaning crew. I never chew gum and never disagreed with the rule not to chew gum. At least they don't fine you like they do in Singapore for chewing gum.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I remember over the years different articles would come out especially around the DC or they would let us know in the announcements not to chew gum. For awhile no one would chew gum and then gradually it would start up again until the next announcement.

  • Badfish

    "And do not be chewing gum in the congregations, for it was Eve who chewed gum and not Adam." (1 John 1:11)

    "Let your gum chewing be practiced with diligence and humility, and not with the smacking of lips, as some have the custom, for the blowing of bubbles is a shame in the presence of God." (2 Peter 2:23)

    *thumps bible*

  • RottenRiley

    When a brand new beautiful Kingdom Hall complex was finished, not long after we had assholes putting gum under the seats of a Pristine Worship Palace, I have no problems with Elders desiring to keep the Kingdom Hall nice and not trash it!

    Elders told the Ministerial Servants to ask the parents nicely not to allow the little Moinkers to chew gum, and if they needed to chew it, please take them outside and put it in the trash. Singapore gives a nice ass kicking to people who disrespect the property of others, arrogant people from the West have got themselves some time in Jail or big tickets by spitting gum on the ground. It's a policy I can live with.

    Until you have to keep a Putty Knife in your book bag to scrape that crap off the chairs, chewing gum won't seem like a problem. Once you do have to get your hands dirty and find a old tooth inside that gum wrapped underneath the chair, you will agree the "No Cow Cudd Chewing and Spitting" policy is great!

  • Phizzy

    We had a Talk about it some years ago, because of the disposal issue. One long time sister, in her forties at the time, continued to chew at every meeting, bless her.

    I am sure she disposed of her gum responsibly, but it used to make me smile to see her blatantly ignoring "Counsel".

  • Comatose

    Badfish that was awesome! lol

  • Comatose

    I always chewed gum if I wanted to. On stage I had it in my mouth to combat nervous dry mouth although I didn't make a show of chewing it. I regularly gave public talks with gum in my mouth, I just kept it in my cheek.

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