Gum Chewing....Allowed in your hall or not?

by LostGeneration 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • RagingBull

    less than a year ago I was chewing gum and told an elder (who was holding the door open to the main hall for me) "Oh, wait...let me spit out my gum. Can't chew gum in the hall" The brother said "Oh don't worry - you can chew gum" After the meeting I mentioned it to my father (COBE) and he said that "the brothers have been advised not to make a rule of that. Chewing gum is fine" Been chewing gum ever since.

    they steam the carpets every few months...and buy new carpet every few years. "F0ck da carpet!" LOL

  • blondie

    Gum under the chairs and looking out at the audience with everyone chewing.

  • 4thgen

    Gum is evil! Imagine sitting at the Watchtower, in the front row, short skirt, low cut blouse, tattoos and chewing gum with an open mouth.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Rules on chewing gum?

    It's like they're dealing with kids in grade school.

    And ADULTS put up with this shit?


  • FirstLastName

    My parents found a way around this when we were kids, since they knew how hard it was for young kids to sit for 8 hours. My parents would buy us each a pack of LifeSavers for each assembly that we were allowed to eat to our hearts content.

    But I do recall that gum was a no no.

  • JustVisting

    BADFISH-that's clever, yet twisted:

    "And do not be chewing gum in the congregations, for it was Eve who chewed gum and not Adam." (1 John 1:11)

    "Let your gum chewing be practiced with diligence and humility, and not with the smacking of lips, as some have the custom, for the blowing of bubbles is a shame in the presence of God." (2 Peter 2:23)

    *thumps bible*

    We have an elder's wife that would line up her kids and hand them each a stick of gum right before the opening song. Then the CO came to town and said something to the effect: What do gum-chewing sisters and cows have in common? Answer: they both chew sit there chewing their cud and don't have a care in the world. Did that have any effect on our Elderette? Hell no.

  • WTWizard

    Generally, it is reasonable to not allow chewing gum if people are going to stick it on chairs or on the carpet floor, or blow bubbles with it. Candy, on the other hand, should not be forbidden. It is unreasonable to expect small children to sit quietly and listen to material that many adults have problems staying awake listening to. Having candy (particularly items like Tic Tacs) and small toys to play with should be fine--yet the hounders find excuses to not allow those items to be handled within the Kingdumb Hells.

    Now, as for adults chewing gum, fine--if they don't unreasonably disrupt the proceedings or stick it on surfaces where it can cause a mess that is difficult to clean up. On bare floors, gum can be cleaned easily if you pack the area with ice (dry ice works even better) because it loses its sticky characteristics in cold conditions. On carpets or chairs, however, it can become embedded in fibers. Sometimes it helps if people have a medical condition that results in dry mouth if they chew gum. Proper disposal is the key here.

    Or, better yet, if someone has a problem with a hounder or group of hounders, or some snob that intrudes in everyone's affairs to restrict freedom within the congregation (which is, according to their own scriptures, one of the two legitimate reasons to "mark" someone as walking disorderly), just don't go at all. You can chew all the gum you want, including blowing bubbles, right from the comfort of your own home.

  • Jen1

    Would rather chew gum at kh in a non obvious way than chew on candy constantly through out the meeting, crunch crunch slurp slurp, mr elder in our cong. the man is so obese he can hardly walk.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Our COBE chews gum continuously so there's little chance of it ever being banned in our hall.

    Personally I think it's a disgusting habit, pavements and shopping precincts are covered in the stuff, as are road junctions where chewers sit in their cars and spit the stuff out in the road.

    Surpassed only by spitting.



  • frankiespeakin

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