Amen! "
Its part of their corrupt apathetic posturing for humanity and their selfish aggressive greed for power and
control. Finkel
I noticed if any charity was not frowned upon, it was ones based on helping animals out, the others were "too emotionally expensive" and might distract a good Witness from the Lord's Work.
Finkelstein, it's fascinating how many of the World's churches are geared to be like First Century Christians and teach "We must help the Poor and Needy, the Orphans, Widows and Elderly too." while JWs might not get backlash if they donate time to a animal shelter. Was their lack of love obvious during your Kingdom Hall years or do you look back now and see how bad it truly was? The lack of love was right before our eyes, now I see how fake any love was.
It’s easier to support the Animal Shelter instead of dedicating your life to support the Homeless, Elderly, Poor and Orphans. A few JWs would squeeze a “Twenty” out of their “MAD MONEY” to help a dog or cat while bashing the Homeless guy holding his Sign. I remember back in 2009 when all Hell was busting lose, some JWs lost their job in the Banking Sector, one brother was sitting at Taco Bell eating when the following took place.
I watched a Taco Bell employee give a homeless $20 USD, that was half her salary and the JW Witness sitting by me said “I never gave anyone a penny” trying to brag how tight his ass was! Same guy during the “Great Economic Meltdown” was getting food for the Food Bank, collecting any benefits the Government had to offer while preaching in Field Circus because the Elders taught “The best way to get a good job is to join the Pioneer Program because Satan will get you a job in a hurry!”