What's the Watchtower's View of Dedicating Your Time To Charity? Food-bank, Helping Poor Get Benefits, Big Brother, ect..

by RottenRiley 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RottenRiley

    Do you know of anyone who sucessfully dedicated time to charity without getting bad mouthed by Witness Elders? We had a Sister in CreepSide Congregation who got a lot of lip when she was working for the Food Bank for free. The Jehovah's Witnesses Elders hinted, used the Watchtower Study to say "Jehovah's people are Ambassadors to Satan's World and know the real solution is God's Kingdom". They quoted Jesus Christ saying "You will always have the Poor" to discount the efforts of brothers and sisters wanting to make a difference in the World.

    Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy the programs offered by the World Wide Governments and Social Programs, so why are they so against "giving back to the City" besides claiming Field Circus is the only real Charity Jehovah is pleased with?

  • NVR2L8

    Some of the charities are sponsored by churches so obviously there would be an issue. As a dedicated JW you owe all of your free time to Jehovah...

  • Tiktaalik

    Because it's a cult.

  • JWdaughter

    I don't know about how all JWs think, but my mom volunteers at a dog fostering job and works with dog shelters. Her thought is that she is helping God's creatures, not wicked human beings who will perish. Seriously. My mom is, apart from the cult thing, a really nice woman. I think this is the only kind of nice she can justify in the world. She does not really like wicked humans who will perish so much anyway, so I guess it works out great.

    Honestly, I think she is basically good hearted, but she looks at non JW humans as if we are pretty much something that crawed from the sewers. But that is 70 years of training

  • Finkelstein

    They frown on it because other religious institutions may be involved, in spite of most them are Christian based.

    You see they are trying to act out how Jesus Christ instructed his followers and the WTS. doesn't like that

    as you are NOT helping out their organization.

    They want people to help out with your time and money to proliferate their literature and support

    their perceived power.

    Its part of their corrupt apathetic posturing for humanity and their selfish aggressive greed for power and


  • RottenRiley

    Amen! "

    Its part of their corrupt apathetic posturing for humanity and their selfish aggressive greed for power and

    control. Finkel

    I noticed if any charity was not frowned upon, it was ones based on helping animals out, the others were "too emotionally expensive" and might distract a good Witness from the Lord's Work.

    Finkelstein, it's fascinating how many of the World's churches are geared to be like First Century Christians and teach "We must help the Poor and Needy, the Orphans, Widows and Elderly too." while JWs might not get backlash if they donate time to a animal shelter. Was their lack of love obvious during your Kingdom Hall years or do you look back now and see how bad it truly was? The lack of love was right before our eyes, now I see how fake any love was.


    It’s easier to support the Animal Shelter instead of dedicating your life to support the Homeless, Elderly, Poor and Orphans. A few JWs would squeeze a “Twenty” out of their “MAD MONEY” to help a dog or cat while bashing the Homeless guy holding his Sign. I remember back in 2009 when all Hell was busting lose, some JWs lost their job in the Banking Sector, one brother was sitting at Taco Bell eating when the following took place.

    I watched a Taco Bell employee give a homeless $20 USD, that was half her salary and the JW Witness sitting by me said “I never gave anyone a penny” trying to brag how tight his ass was! Same guy during the “Great Economic Meltdown” was getting food for the Food Bank, collecting any benefits the Government had to offer while preaching in Field Circus because the Elders taught “The best way to get a good job is to join the Pioneer Program because Satan will get you a job in a hurry!”

  • blondie

    The WTS discourages strongly giving any time or money to any organization but them.

    *** w61 11/1 p. 672 Questions From Readers ***

    Would it violate any Christian principles to contribute to a United Givers Fund campaign conducted annually at one’s place of employment?—M. P., United States.

    Whether a dedicated Christian will contribute to such charitable drives or not is something for each one to decide for himself. He may justly feel that he is already using all his available resources in a charitable work, that of preaching the good news of God’s kingdom, and that therefore he is not under obligation to contribute to other forms of charity. He also might well reason that his money will do more good if spent in some other way, in view of the large overhead that certain charitable organizations have, the officers of some receiving extremely high salaries. So it would be a burden of responsibility that each Christian would have to bear himself as to what would be the best thing for him to do under the circumstances.—Gal. 6:5.

  • RottenRiley

    Blondie, the Watchtower knows how to slant their articles, that was so obviously against helping Charity!

    Field Service, I was young and had my giant book bag going out in Field Service when the Circuit Overseer "Brother Mega-Bomb) (Real name Mega) who was notorious for yelling, rage and picking on JWs he thought did not measure up was in town. Mega was totally anti-Charity because JWs only have the truth and the world needs the Truth, not food and shelter!

    I was with my "wife to be" when we noticed after Field Service arrangements four brothers returned after driving behind Brother Mega-Bomb and turned around and drove back in to Creep Side Congregation. All four Elders changed their Field Service clothes in to Golfing Clothes and one of them whisphered "Hey, don't tell Brother Mega-Bomb, Ok?" I said "What about Field Service?" He said "We have 18 Calls starting with Hole number 1", why did I not see the lies thirty years ago, it was so obvious now as I look back.

    I feel like the old Looney Toon Cartoon where the character turns in to a "Sucker" after getting conned!

  • Finkelstein

    He may justly feel that he is already using all his available resources in a charitable work, that of preaching the good news of God’s kingdom,

    Here we see the WTS. applying and utilizing guilt for not doing the work of the Watchtower preaching or

    their literature distribution agenda, putting the wants and needs of the Watchtower Publishing House first over all.


    There is no question to the WTS. apathetic gesturing upon the unfortunate needy of humanity.

    The WTS instructs it followers to help out their members only when they can but leave the rest of humanity

    to hang on their own misfortunes. The WTS inherently wants the money and attention to their own specific

    agenda, within their organization only, anyone who is outside of the organization is simply out of luck.


    Its the WTS. expressed intension to look at people outside of their organization as being wicked as

    immoral worldly ones who will be destroyed soon, so why put out the effort ?

  • 4thgen

    If a JW volunteers to help the community, they are viewed as lacking faith in God to solve the problems of the world.


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