hamster: That's a great real life experience, the amount of charities turned down by the Jehovah's Witnesses is almost all except for the "World Wide Work", "Local Needs", "Congregation X's monthly cost because they built their Kingdom Hall during a great Economic down-turn."
Long-hair-girl, Alan Greenspan said during his time of running the Fed, "anyone who wants to keep a good job is going to have to have two degrees or three because we have entered a time when wages will continue to plummet for unskilled workers and benefits (health care, Pensions) are going to be paid to the highest educated with the most pratical experience.
In Dubia, CNN showed window washers going up the biggest building in the World, the wages are $600 a month to clean those windows, it takes a year to complete cleaning those windows. Employers are no longer providing pensions, the Federal and State Governments are dumping 'defined benefit" pension plans and eventually the Social Nets are going to crumble too. JWs rely on Social Security and Medicaid once they hit retirement age. I know a few JWs who worked "Under-the-Table' and only get $890 a month from Social Security and $88 from California's Medicaid money. Why did the JWs not pay taxes, how come they are the first to hold their hands open for a check when they put no time, work in to the System? They are truly Satanic, don't you think people who evaded taxes and hid their income don't deserve to eat?
JWs are not notorious for adopting kids from Foster Care, they claim to have a Spiritual Paradise but they are sure stingy sharing it with others who don't glow like their Satanic Glowing Wings. I hate seeing them at the Food Bank and feel they are horrible people for taking the food they would not lift a finger to get. They can starve to death for all I care, you want to attack a system that takes care of it's people, than go and rely on the Watchtower for handouts. The Catholic Church ran some great Food Programs with Fundamental Churches, the JWs were the religion coming in to these refugee camps holding out their hands and the Watchtower showed up with Spiritual Food since the Red Cross was feeding them like Jesus Christ feed the hungry ones!
They make me sick!