Beard or no beard?

by ILoveTTATT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    So I already moved out of the house, but until the elders don't give me (supposedly) the letter inviting me to a JC and then me not going, I am still a witness and my mom can still talk to me. My dad wants us to meet, but my mom had said that if I have my beard she might not want to see me (she is a completely blinded JW... Beards = apostate = I am a horrible human being)

    so... My question is, given that I can grow it later, should I shave it off so my mom feels more comfortable? the other condition is no religion talk.

    What should I talk about?

    should I keep it? To show her it makes no difference in my personality and that I won't follow stupid WT rules?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Nope - I can't see one!!

  • jgnat

    Still wondering? It must be getting itchy. How about a soul patch?

  • ILoveTTATT

    Sorry please read now... Edited

  • jgnat

    Well, the beard is an instant visual. You can be sure her ears will be shut-off if she sees that.

    If you have a hope she can hear you, shave it. You can always grow it again.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Yep... What to talk about is the second question. What can I do to help her? Maybe talk about what I have been doing, like work and other stuff?

    I will try to make a list of topics to talk about that are neutral... And talk about lots of them!!

    I think I will tell them of my photography projects, how I plan to lose weight, where I want to travel, etc...

  • jgnat

    I would go for shared family memories. Pluck at her motherly heart-strings unmercifully. Frequently ask her to put herself in your shoes, and imagine what it must be like. Remind her of her own strong personality, those things that make her unique.

    Twentysomethings have dreams. Mothers have memories.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    As a Mom I think it is a good idea to talk about your current projects ,and goals as you stated above. This will reassure her you are on a productive path ,and not on the 'road to destruction', she fears so much . Also my suggestion would be to shave if you know it is such a big deal to her . It is a small thing .

    Sounds like you have this under control .


    The weaker conscience dictates the actions of the stronger conscience. That is, of course, if you care what anyone thinks. It comes down to your goals. Do you think that having a beard will interfere with reaching your mother? Her "reality" is that beards are bad. So what can you do??? You could tell her that having a beard makes you unqualified to run a microphone, but it doesn't mean that you are an apostate. Or you could shave it off and grow it back.

    Maybe you could show up wearing a t-shirt like this....

  • NotNew

    Short answer is NO!

    If you shave it...what will it accomplish?

    If you are shaving so she will not talk about jw religious beliefs, then u are the only one making a personal adjustment.

    Your age may dictate what you do to please your mother...based how much control she has over your personal decisions.

    I kept my beard on, although it was neatly trimmed. My mom quickly got over it with some talk about how many have a beard this day and age. Even JWS.

    It is my experience most mothers are not going to throw a stone at their own flesh and blood unless their attitude is offensive. Your mom may be different.

    So to me the decision would be, what affect will keeping it on have on the visit? Will u feel uncomfortable? Then shave it so the time spent will not be causing tension.


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