Beard or no beard?

by ILoveTTATT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ABibleStudent

    HI ILoveTTATT, If you like your beard, keep it. Let your mother see that you are same person whether you have a beard or not.

    I like your ideas about talking about your photography projects, travel plans, how you plan to lose weight, etc. Just focus on having fun with your parents and gently remind your Mom when she brings up JW/WTBTS related topics that life is too short to talk about the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ILoveTTATT

    Ok so I am done with the visit. I offered to babysit the house while they were away celebrating their 30th anniversary. I shaved. I didn't want my mom suffering.

    It was good!! No religious talk at all, I tried to show my mom I am the same person as before.

    They gave me the letter that the elders gave to them informing me of my JC... Among other mail

    I don't know if they will want me to get the certified letter to make it official, but I am sure my parents will tell the elders that they handed me the letter. I don't give a rat's ass when my JC is going to be, not going and not caring and not writing a da letter. Just want them to tell me when I will be officially "out" so I can "come out of the closet" with my FB and whatever friends remain will remain.

    I will update whenever I can.

  • smiddy

    Jehovahs Witnesses /WTB&TS continually refer to the Hebrew scriptures to support their points of veiw /arguments . Right ?

    Wasnt it a requirement /law that stated a male must have a beard ? in the old testament ,the hebrew scriptures ?

    Didnt Jesus have a beard ? as well as the many bible examples before him ?

    Did the Watchtower misrepresent Jesus when they depicted him as clean shaven in their publication . ? on a torture stake ?

    Remember a picture is worth a thousand words


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