It would be hard to beat the authoritarian presidency of Rutherford. Today's tactics, by contrast, are for pussies. The seething, hate-filled prose of the Watchtowers from the late 1920s through the 1930s left absolutely no doubt what the Witnesses were supposed to preach about Satan's world. Theirs was a manic, doom-laden, church- and politics-threatening messages that had numberless Witnesses beaten up and persecuted by their own townsfolk simply for obeying mad-minded Rutherford. It would be a rare man or woman who would dare stand up to that religious bully - and when they did, his team of loyal supporters would eviscerate their reputations. Few emerged victorious in their protests against Rutherford - Olin Moyle being the best example of a very, very small number who did.
No, by contrast, today's GB are no where near as ecstatically maniacal as was Rutherford. They may be stricter than they were in the 1990s but not stricter than earlier decades.