Why JWs would commit murder if ordered to by the GB

by kneehighmiah 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    Psychology class is teaching me so much. It's a core class, as I want to study medicine or biochemistry eventually. We were assigned to read about obedience. We looked at a world famous study by Stanley Milgram called Milgrams study. I encourage everyone here to Google it. The gist of the experiment is that he was able to get normal people to administer what they believed to be deadly electric shocks to subjects in another room. The people did this because as Milgram concludes "the key to their behavior lies not in pent up aggression but in the nature of their relationship to authority. They have given themselves to the authority; They see themselves as instruments for the execution of his wishes; once so defined, they are unable to break free."

    Our textbook states "that for many, the demands of the role and the social pressures of the situation defeat the inner voice of conscience." This is scary, especially since the GB is telling us to obey even if instructions make no sense. Also these disturbing videos they are showing to elders frighten me. I know good people that will do inhumane things in the name of obedience to GB authority. The GB is encouraging elders to feel that they are in the role of Jehovah's personal judges. Wanting to live up to this role causes ordinarily nice people to become monsters like Saul. They fail to report child abuse because their bosses tell them not to. They encourage friends to die instead of taking blood. They tell grandkids they can't see their grandparents. I have no doubt that some and likely a good number of elders would be willing to kill and encourage others to kill if so ordered. The GB wants this type of obedience. Milgrams study shows the dangers of uncritical obedience. Sadly in some cases up to 90% of the participants followed orders to administer dangerous shocks albeit with great deals of reluctance and emotional anguish. Please read this study performed in the late 60s.

  • designs

    kneehigh- This topic was brought up on a Facebook page of xjws and mostly Evangelicals. Turning to murder is a stretch.

    Better to stick with real policies and their real actions rather than fantsize on a Jones Town scenario.

  • ILoveTTATT

    I tend to agree with kneehigh... It is not a far stretch for JW's to go insane....

    Let's say they start saying that killing apostates, like in the OT, is actuallly a literal thing, that despite its illegality, it should be done...

    Combine literalness of killing apostates, with "following the higher authorities, unless it goes against Jehovah’s

    the Governing Body's will," and you have murderous JW's...


    How far from that is actually killing other people??

  • jwfacts

    designs - Turning to murder is a stretch.

    I don't think kneehighmiah is saying they are going to ask it of their followers, but if they did it would be possible to get JWs to commit murder. History has proven constantly that those in authority can get nice people to murder for them. Most obviously is the Germans under Hitler, or US soldiers attacking Afghanistan and Iraq as a result of 9/11, and not Syria.

    It is unlikely that the GB would ask directly for murder, or that they could have millions participate, with JWs being spread throughout the world. But they subtly have through the policy of blood transfusions. Now that they are relocating to a rural area, it is not difficult for the Governing Body to have a Jonestown situation amongst the Bethelites if they started experiencing a lot of external pressure.

  • cofty

    Now that they are relocating to a rural area, it is not difficult for the Governing Body to have a Jonestown situation amongst the Bethelites if they started experiencing a lot of external pressure.

    I share your concerns in this regard. It will increasingly become a cult compound with a growing sense of "us v them".

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    The Milgram study was an attempt to understand why the Nazi party had so much power in wartime Germany. The fact that so many relied on the defense that they were just "obeying orders" left an uneasy question over the capacity for humanity to commit such outrageous acts of barbarity.

    A comparison of WT attitudes and teaching with Hitler's authoritarian regime makes my hair stand on end. Hitler had all non-approved books burned, he closed universities calling them subversive, he removed people with any contrary thought.

    Hitler put all nay-sayers in the camps. Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses would never do that ………..would they? What would they do to apostates…………if they could?

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    I doubt the Society would ever be so blatant as to directly suggest murdering anyone. But... it's not too much of a stretch to imagine that a JW only slightly more "off" than the norm might decide to kill a loved one who is going astray or maybe an apostate on the theory that "if they die before Armageddon they will be resurrected as one of the 'unrighteousness.' However, if they are destroyed at Armageddon, they will be dead forever. So the most loving thing would be to insure they at least have a chance at everlasting life."

    So the "logic" goes... Sick! The sad part is that it's not that far-fetched. Especially with so many JWs (at least among the ones I know) showing signs of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Absolutely anything is possible when in the throes of a manic episode. I would bet dollars to donuts that this has actually happened in the past.

    I'd be very careful being alone with fervent JWs who might actually buy into this theory.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Some definitely would, no doubt. Time and time again, human beings as ignorant sheep have shown themselves willing to commit crimes against humanity in the name of religion and God.

    One church Minister quit the priesthood after he conducted an experiment with his own congregation on this very subject - read about it in the Infidels website article linked in this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/266266/1/The-Euthyphro-Dilemma-as-it-Applies-to-the-Doctrine-of-Atonement#.UvbKKGKSzng

  • kneehighmiah

    I'm not suggesting that the GB would ever tell anyone to commit murder. However JWs like to believe that their members wouldn't be capable of committing such an atrocity. JWs are no different than any other group of humans and can sink to the same lows due to unquestioned obedience. In other ways JWs already show lack of affection when dealing with family and friends who don't agree with them. Studies show that good people rationalize cruel acts such as torture by thinking, "the reason I'm torturing this person is because he is bad or guilty... or I'm good so this must be the right thing to do." We see this rationalization with our shunning policy and gleeful anticipation of Armageddon.

  • Paralipomenon

    They couldn't just walk up and say "kill this person" and have them blindingly obey. (most at least)

    But if they slowly started to indentify a person or group as an enemy and building justification for their death, they could pursuade a great many to kill.

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