The Real Purpose of the WTB&TS

by compound complex 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    Hey yadda yadda 2, careful. I dress like Freddie - and I ain't no virgin.

    CoCo, excellently succinct quote from one of the Top Dogs. What grand vision and breadth this humility-starved man had. Not.

  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you that the JW religion is nothing more than a doomsday religion with an American centric view that originated along with other groups in the last two centuries. Well what do you expect? The U.S.A. is the land of religious freedom. So, all of these crack-pot religious organizations have sprung up like weeds, all claiming they have truth.

    Also, as you said: "Since its foundation WT was obsessed with numbers, numerology, and dates, and will attempt to model its theology upon it."

    And I also have to laugh that JWs think they will get answers to things other religions that have been around for hundreds of years did not get answers to.

  • bigmac


    err--what were the questions again--?

  • sd-7

    The sole purpose
    of our existence as a Society is to announce the Kingdom
    established in 1914 and to sound the warning of the fall of
    Babylon the Great. We have a special message to deliver.

    Galatians 1:8: "However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed."

    This is the root problem with the preaching work, from the Christian standpoint--the message is clearly a different sort of gospel. That nullifies the work--the message is in direct contradiction with the original message of the NT. (I mean, assuming there was ONE original message...)

    Worse still, this message that goes beyond the original gospel is rooted in a number of false beliefs that have somehow survived nearly a century of so many other beliefs being jettisoned by the Society as being incorrect. Its staying power is, of course, the fact that it grants them the illusion of having a "true prophecy" under their belts, which is itself achieved only by obscuring the actual history (ie. lying about their own history or omitting critical information in retelling the stories).

    So...since that's the whole point, the whole point is a fraud.


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