1)If he did..Would you Know?!..
2)No..I`m annoyed..He doesn`t answer anyones calls..He could at least text..
4)Now I`ve got to Look up the 2nd Law of Thermodynamic`s
5)How do you explain a bunny with a pancake on it`s head?!
6)A Repeat of stuff I have to look up..
7)What about tupperware?!..
8)From Life..
9)I don`t know..Thats the Beauty of being an Agnostic..You can admit you don`t know..
10)Thats as good a story as any,nobody really knows..
11)I give up..Why?..
12)You have an opinion just like the rest of us..Good for You!..
13)I don`t know..But..It it explains caterpillars..
14)Both teams have to play by the same rules..
15)What makes you think evoloution may not be intelligent design?..
16)Male Sperm & Female Egg come to mind..
17)I have no faith..I have no friggin idea why I`m here..Niether do you..LOL!!..
18) Crucifiction nails are not easy to find,they found one!..I don`t need 2,to believe them..
20)It`s incredibly easy..
21)Let me guess..You think you Know..You don`t..
22)If Man came from Dirt,Why is there still Dirt?!..
King James Bible
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.