Oubliette said- What exactly is your reason for posting here?
Your question earns a question in return, Oubliette
Aren't you the ex-elder who harasses JWN posters by sending rage-driven and profanity-filled PMs, thus attempting to drive off anyone who dares challenge your massive ego and cherished beliefs?
Sorry to see you haven't made much head-way learning respect for the personal boundaries and opinions of others, and you haven't yet managed to get a handle on impulse-control... Old nasty habits die hard.
Ozbrad said- If man came from dirt why is there still dirt?
LOL! Kudos, as that's a superior response vs my 'European vs American' thing (I've got to remember that one, as that's funny).
Zound said (in response to #10. I believe in the Big Bang theory... God said it and BANG it happened!)
Oh... Nevermind.
Sure, that works as a reponse, since she made a statement and didn't ask a question; that, or an image of Jesus slapping his forehead, or asking her if trite expressions such as that explain why Bible's shortest verse says, "Jesus Wept").
JeffT, Outlaw, excellent work! You both earn a gold .
JWFacts, thanks for that link, if only the people who really need to read it would....
These are some pretty basic concepts (FAQs) to wrap one's head around, and as Phizzy indicated, it's likely intentional ignorance, due to a lack of exactly what Nye was pushing for: basic literacy in the principles of science, NOT to be a scientist, but to be an educated citizen (I just HOPE that women who said a theory was "only a guess" wrote her question BEFORE the debate, since IIRC, Nye explained that point during the debate).
We're also dealing with a disinformation campaign, since believers hear this kind of stuff perpetuated by pastors, ministers, etc from the pulpit every Sunday, propagating their ignorance to others.
Pelican said- How does matter arise from nothing?
I dunno if you've read Lawrence Krauss' stuff, but he's a physicist from ASU who has tackled the issue (caveat being that physicists use a different definition of 'nothing' vs laypeople).
Main response for me personally would be, why should we accept the presupposition that NOTHING could even exist, in the first place?
See what I'm getting at? In my mind, that's a questionable assumption to make, esp since we KNOW that matter and energy are interconvertible (the basis for nuclear reactions, and the basis of E=mc 2 ).
Even though I'm not a theoretical physicist (which wouldn't help, anyway, since many are honest and able to say, "we just don't know, since there's many competing hypotheses out there right now, with none proven to be probable over the others"), I have seen plenty of OTHER lines of evidence to realize "God Dun It!" is only a 'God of the Gaps' argument. So it's making a HUGE leap from an honest "we currently just don't know" to claiming to have "the answer" isn't going to work for me, since NO ONE can produce sufficient evidence to justify their claiming to know.