A wonderful thing to read. This makes sense.
My Explanation of Why They Got it Wrong About Blood Using Only the NWT
by cofty 203 Replies latest watchtower medical
Muddy Waters
Excellent! Thank you, marking & saving.
Very nicely done Crofty!
Back many years ago when my children were still at home,(circa 1980's) I brought this subject up to a couple of my fellow elders. I often wondered what i would do if faced with a life or death 'blood' issue regarding my children. I mentioned to my fellow elders that since the "only" acceptable use of blood is for sacrifice, to make atonement, why is it that we JW's can have blood withdrawn, from our living bodies, for blood tests to determine if we have some disease or genetic marker? My point was that the laboratory to which "our JW" blood was sent was not going to use it for "atonement" nor pour it out on the ground! Is this not still a legitamate question to ask?
Just saying!
Legitimate! (my bad spelling sorry)
Another interesting question would be regarding any meat a JW eats. Under the Law meat could only be eaten if the blood was poured out, symbolically returning the life to god. It was not necessary to squeeze out all the blood, it was a symbolic gesture as I have argued above.
In any modern abbatoir the blood is sold on for all sorts of uses therefore no JW should eat meat from a normal butchers.
Excellent!! Saved for later use. Thank you for this!
Excellent material, Cofty. Good points all around.
You're right of course that the blood of animals in ancient Israel had no intrinsic value in and of itself. Its value was what God put on it. The blood of animals symbolized the life that belonged to God himself so when the animal was killed the life (the blood) which belonged to God had to be given back and not taken into the body to sustain it.
From a Christian perspective what you wrote makes perfect sense as well. "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day; for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink." (John 6:54,55) The blood of animals was not intrinsically valuable, it had only symbolic value. The blood of the Son of God, on the other hand, did have intrinsic value. Thus it serves to grant eternal life. By God's spirit it is taken into our hearts and minds and Christ's life, his blood, sustains us spiritually and at some point in the future physically as well.
Jon Preston
I have a feeling this topic will come up sooner rather than later since neither me nor my wife have filled out our blood cards ;-)
You make great points, but the issue is that most JWs are not open (sometimes not able) to think logically or objectively about this subject. You can come up with as many great points as you wish, but most times they will simply say " but the bible says abstain...".
Like a little kid who doesn't want to listen to reason by covering their ears, they refuse to allow themselves to think critically and just repeat the same thing.
They don't care about context, backstory, historical perpective, social perspective, original concept or anything else that you are using here. What they care about is that the bible says " ... abstain from blood" . They are confortable with the "dumbed down" command.
the issue is that most JWs are not open
Yes but it might help the minority who come here because they are starting to think.