To my knowledge the writers of the OT never heard of female orgasms.
My Explanation of Why They Got it Wrong About Blood Using Only the NWT
by cofty 203 Replies latest watchtower medical
...which of course proves divine origin
Disillusioned JW
On page 17 of this topic thread it was pointed out that the WT for a period of time thought that having a blood transfusion was a form of feeding. I remember the WT teaching that during part of the time I was a JW. Even if the WT was correct in saying that receiving a blood through a transfusion is a form of feeding, according to some verses of the NT it would be fine to feed on blood. That is because of the following.
According to Mark 7: 17-19 Jesus declared ALL foods clean. That thus would include blood in all types of animals and it would include all types of animal flesh. Notice that in verse 19 (1984 NWT) the writer of the gospel book called "According to Mark" says his understanding of the meaning of what Jesus is attributed to as having said in verses 17-19 is that "Thus he declared all foods clean", with "he" meaning "Jesus". Those verses were pointed out by a person in a post on page 9 of this topic thread.
A person in a post on page 17 of this topic thread pointed to Acts 10:3-4,15 ; 11:1-18 ; 15:7-9. Acts 10:15 says that Peter was told in a vision "You stop calling defiled the things God has cleansed." Acts 10:28 (1984 NWT) says that Peter said "... yet God has shown me I should call no man defiled or unclean."
Looking at the manner from a different point of view Cofty and TD made excellent arguments that on biblical grounds (including in regards to Acts chapter 15) blood transfusions are acceptable for Christians and Jews. As a result, on biblical grounds the WT's prohibition against JWs receiving a blood transfusion is incorrect.
Disillusioned JW
By the WT's definition of those who voluntarily disassociate from the JW religion, I am now unofficially disassociated (but not to the WT's knowledge). That is because while at the hospital in November 2022 I accepted two transfusions (450 cc [ml] each) of packed red blood cells and while in the hospital in December 2022 I accepted one transfusion (450 cc [ml]) of packed red bloods cells, but no JW (including no JW elder) knows for sure I received such. I avoided telling JWs that I received such. [You folks reading this post know that I received them, except you don't know my real name.] My mother (a devout JW) told me not to tell her what I received while at the hospital (nor of what I had been planning to receive from the hospital as an infusion). She thus gave me permission to keep the secret from her. That made it much easier for me to accept the transfusions, since it prevented me from having a guilty conscience of keeping a major secret from her. [And, more than 13 years ago I had determined that accepting a blood transfusion does not violate Bible teachings.] She also told me she is very happy I am alive and feeling well.
I am glad to no longer having to answer to the WT and its JW religion. I am also glad to have freed myself from much of their mind control, and I am glad to be alive.