Jehovah Witness Yahoo answers Nazi's at it again

by Watchtower-Free 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Wow! I've never seen this quote! Great find, well, disturbing actually, but this is a keeper.

  • Watchtower-Free

    To "Steve2" here is the question that was removed.
    The yellow is the question the rest was put in the comment area right underneath the main question

    Why does the Governing BodY of Jehovah's Witnesses keep printing this type of thing?

    JW magazine The Watchtower 1973 9/15 p. 568

    "Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on? "

    Its notable that the above quote is republished every year when the JWs release their yearly
    edition of Watchtower Library Cdrom. Its in it again 2013 .


    There are some great questions over there, and apologist JWs are regurgitating watchtarded answers. I was going to join, but they want my mobile number, and I don't know about that...


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Frazzled: that its possible one of the most messed up statements I have ever reead


    Oh, it gets worse !:

    "It can ‘turn the person inward’ upon himself, making him introverted. Or it can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality" ibid, p.565

  • cofty

    It does read as a thinly veiled rhetorical question.

    Could you repost it as something like "What is the policy of the Watchtower on masturbation"? and still post the same reference in an answer?

  • BizzyBee

    What is really weird is that the WT objection to this practice (which I've never heard of either) is that it encourages children to become masturbators later on, NOT that it is child sexual abuse!

    So, masturbation (a natural human act) is a worse offence in the WT eyes than child sexual abuse? No wonder they have a pedophilia problem that they have failed to address properly.

  • sir82

    Try it again with this question:

    "Is it standard practice for Jehovah's Witnesses to calm their children in the manner described below?"


    "Do Jehovah's Witnesses still believe homosexuality is caused by the following practice?"

  • cofty

    That's good Sir82, nobody could object to that.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Good Sir82


    Followed by, " Thus, what is taught is from JEHOVAH....."

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