Victoria Australia, the FDS does not exist (eliciting gasps from the observers).

by confusedandalone 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • confusedandalone

    Can someone please point me to anywhere that more information regartding this can be found.

    I read a smidge about it in another post and would love to see if there is more info

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
  • Londo111

    Has anyone ever found the offical transcript?

  • heathen

    that was interesting , the official transcript would be nice , They have been weilding this power over the church for some time now yet legally they don't exist , invisiblity can be a problem here , watch out for them hail stones as GOD will show you a thing or two about who exists ...

  • AlphaMan

    I remember when this was reported that the Watchtower attorney as a legal manuver in this case said the F&DS did not exist. Only in Watchtower land can this tatic be used, then later the Governing Body change a decades old teaching about the F&DS being the remnant of the 144,000, to now the F&DS only being the 8 GB members when they meet together.

    This bat-shit crazy cult never ceases to amaze me nowadays.


    There is no official transcript that I know of. I have been looking for a year. This makes me doubt the statement. Not even Mr. Unthank will comment on whether or not this statement is true. It would be great if it was, because it is very damning evidence. Sadly, I believe that it is made up. Without any evidence, that is the only logical position to take.

    Think about it. If the quote was real, someone would have posted it by now. Atlantis, JWLeaks..somebody!! Yet here we are, still wondering..


  • Apognophos

    This was much ado about nothing. The people in the gallery, if they did gasp, were simply not understanding what the lawyer was saying. All that was supposedly stated was that the slave is a theological construct, not a legal entity. There is nothing scandalous or surprising about this. Move along, folks.

  • smiddy


    All that was supposedly stated was that the slave is a theological construct, not a legal entity.

    That is exactly how I understood it to mean , if you can get your head around that .

    In other words , no actual person can be identified as part of the Faithful and discreet slave at any given time . Any number of the Governing Body , whether they be few or the majority of members , come together and formulate policy that is binding on all dedicated baptised Jehovahs Witnesses , make up, at that particular time the Faithful and Discreet slave Class , only then .When they walk out of that meeting , they are only members of the Governing Body , not members of the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class . Its very fluid . That is why it is ...a " theological construct" and theirfore that is why the the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class could not be summoned before the magistrates court at Morwell , as stated by the female lawyer representing the WTB&TS.

    This is how I understood it to mean , being present at one of the hearings.


  • steve2

    Gasps were heard?! It was a legal argument to nullify the prospect of prosecution. Save gasps for public hangings or a souffle that drops. Not for legal arguments. Build a bridge abd get over it. I recall when this boring legal manoeuvre was first breathlessly reported her. Lots of predictions that finally JWs would hear this and realize what a sh

    am it all was. Nothing happened. Nothing.

  • galaxie

    Do the G.B Claim ..TO BE the FDS? The answer is in their liteature and and verbal claims by way of public address.ALL CLAIMS are in print and recorded on film etc.

    To 'BE' Means to exist or live, therefore is this BEING all in their minds only? Or is it reality ie physically existing as part of their human bodies.

    If it is the latter then they should be answerable to a court or authority as the claimed F.D.S,

    In my humble opinion of course,

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